1. @mahisingh2826 says

    Yes sir

  2. @gursimransinghsuppal says

    thanks a
    lot sir

  3. @majumarroquin1197 says

    Great professor!

  4. @hamzaeshonqulov6223 says

    Thank you Sir

  5. @vasanthrajasekaran8488 says

    Tomorrow this time will be my speaking

  6. @john2012music says

    Your voice is not clear sir. Plz take note

  7. @chancherry9612 says

    I want to ask what is the 4th word?

  8. @yunfei2402 says

    'If you watch my full video'
    sir your grammar is wrong , here
    R.I.P English

  9. @nakhrojatti8553 says

    Good job

  10. @PARDEEPKUMAR-xi2mm says

    Thanks alot sir g πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ
    Plz sir, Make more videos like this

  11. @ahsanulhaque1092 says

    Voice must be more clear as well thanks 😊

  12. @jashansingla3370 says

    nice vocab sir. ty

  13. @Ahmad-qj5fq says

    the video is so good but can you improve the sound quality please

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