The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @jackewachira729 says

    31/40 not bad but the accent is hard.

  2. @mehboobagha338 says

    Listening ka boht problem Hy…koe advice

  3. @antoine1407 says

    30 / 40 ! Some questions are very confusing.

  4. @theoceanwaves says

    question no. 21 is wrong!!!

  5. @hrry1 says


  6. @shahnazakhter7921 says

    Wheres the answer sheet

  7. @shahnazakhter7921 says

    Please someone tell me

  8. @diegodexplorer1180 says

    21/40 very hard

  9. @AYC-cx5rc says

    I got 17/40

  10. @samirjana4992 says


  11. @leni-india says

    34/40 1.25

  12. @VikJo says

    The reason why this is difficult is because the grammar used in the video on the screen is absolutely disgraceful. Any person who attempted to solve this must be rewarded 40/40 for sitting through 30 minutes of this bullshit.

  13. @nirmalandrews17 says


  14. @funnyandcreativevlog7016 says

    29/40 only

  15. @petermusonda6808 says

    28/40 part 3 was not great πŸ₯²

  16. @gurdevsingh5920 says

    I just got 27 in this ielts listening test..thanks sir for this listening test..

  17. @gurbanistatus1698 says

    I got 33 out of 40 😊…. (7.5 Band)…. 😊

  18. @lovedeepgognakajal1928 says

    I just got 23 in this IELTS listening test

  19. @harryparker8116 says

    1-try) 29
    ill ty again…

  20. @saidumarolimov1339 says

    not right materialπŸ‘Ž

  21. @JaswinderKaur-nk7zx says

    I got 31/40

  22. @dhipeeshkamal5999 says


  23. @daliprathore3500 says

    Grop? spelling wrong it's group @(1)

  24. @jaismansingh9261 says

    I scored 27 and it is my first tym , i attempt listening test.

  25. @rajanrawal2003 says


  26. @ashok_ says

    7 bands

  27. @baljotdhillon6334 says


  28. @samshersg6333 says

    How to find 24 question answer β“β”πŸ˜•

  29. @enkievatoes270 says

    Wtf is happening in question 24?? He never ever said currents…I started to think this channel is fake.

  30. @n1dleee says

    Listening have so many coherence mistakes

  31. @aryammlg6833 says

    The answer to 24 is given in the previous section. In the section for questions 24_30, all you can get is "to study THESE THINGS", and the correct answer is given in the previous section. I don't think it's standard to require candidates to memorize the information from the previous sections.

  32. @TamannaBegum-k1t says

    I got 5.0 😒😒😒

  33. @vedantghugare7571 says

    There is mistake in the question 21 and 24 ……. In 21 they write plastic ocean instead of Pacific Ocean and in 24 the video just lag behind so when you hear the audio of 24 you can’t find the answer but if you listen the answer of 23 then you get the answer

  34. @LuciPaonganan says

    Thank you so much for the practice test. One little input, the typos are quite annoying and confusing. Hopefully it could be better. Thank you.

  35. @md.jahidsheakh3657 says

    I got 33 😒

  36. @marianninunzic says

    I got 28 and I think is 6.5 buy I need 7

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