IELTS SPEAKING TEST ( BAND 7.5 ) Indian Candidate Speaking Full Interview!


Tips For IELTS Speaking Test:-
don’t be shy.
enjoy the chat with the examiner.
your ideas are not important – your knowledge is not being tested.
say your ideas with confidence and showcase your language skills.
simple ideas explained using excellent English can get you to band score 9.
Is 7.5 a good score for ielts ?
Even the permanent residency is based on a good IELTS score. A lower than 7 IELTS score will not be eligible for admissions in high-end universities. So overall, a score reflects a person’s competency and fluency in each of the English modules like reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


  1. @samatif780 says

    Now voice is perfect 👌.. Using u know.. u know many times its ok in ielts speaking?


    Nice video quality 👍

  3. @djsajid007 says

    "U know" is more colloquial……it should be avoided during the speaking test

  4. @Alpha555 says

    Felt there were some usage of fillers!! I do use some fillers but it comes within unconsciously!!

  5. @satnamsingh3437 says

    You know you know you know this line after 60 sec its irritating

  6. @Karam20 says

    You know😄😄

  7. @ashugill3876 says

    O no it means I am not able to achieve even 5 bands

  8. @ashugill3876 says

    This cue card could v simple but she is using complicated language although it is compulsory to use good vocabulary. But good vocabulary means words which are understandable and are not commonly used for example we can use adorable instead of beautiful

  9. @renukarenu9600 says

    You know this line is repeating again and again..

  10. @mythologicalgamer4392 says

    Nice and very helpful

  11. @mythologicalgamer4392 says

    Thank you so much sir

  12. @chemmutk1 says

    I think 7.5 , undescored… Since she is not a native english speaker , 8 or 8 .5 should be given.

  13. @kaurmannz608 says

    Hand movements are not allowed in speaking as it can deduct your score

  14. @whatsappstatus8430 says

    Her examiner was pushing her
    But my examiner was really rude .she was only watching me and asking questions.
    However I got 7 in my speaking
    And 6.5 in listing , 6in writing
    And 5.0 in reading,
    So I'm preparing again 😕😕

  15. @A_Lousy_Viewer says

    Not so hard to listen, btw, how can u eliminate the outer sound

  16. @nandninayyar2514 says

    very nice

  17. @harmeetkaur9449 says

    U know many times and hand movements are not allowed during speaking test

  18. @da3592 says

    She is over acting.

  19. @da3592 says

    You know you know you know…its like interview with an actress.ridiculous

  20. @JaskaranSingh-px5wn says

    Can we say yeah? Because she used "Yeah" so many times.

  21. @komalpreet1498 says

    her speaking is incredible 👌🏻👌🏻

  22. @karanpreetsingh6416 says

    How many times she said "YOU KNOW"

  23. @IELTSTEACHER365 says

    I already Publish {Band 9} Family, Work, Job, Telework, Complete Test Videos 2021 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  24. @lutfarrahman161 says

    examinrs pronounciation is quite tough to understand.

  25. @hasibislam807 says

    Is this really a 7.5 performance?

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