The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @beeda69 says

    Everything was going smoothly until Sokrates came into play.

  2. @jen9x269 says


  3. @ujuokeke1320 says

    I scored 34/40. Thanks so much for this.

  4. @Mnpreetkaur12 says


  5. @tarangrohit6934 says

    30/40..Hope this type of listening will come in Actual IELTS 😁

  6. @Anil--hs1fb says


  7. @gauravjangra8323 says

    21 ..please tell me how to improve

  8. @kashishrajput1656 says

    20 in listening🥺☹️

  9. @Swemy_v says

    No 12 and 13 I think they are particle and oldgate respectively. If not, can you explain it to us? Thank u

  10. @Swemy_v says

    No 18 can I write Marrie instead of Mary?

  11. @Swemy_v says

    No 8 the recording say two third but actually it is two thirds,

  12. @vipaneetkaur4 says

    I got 25/40 in this test.

  13. @shivambhatia2225 says


  14. @dhanuchougule58 says

    This is useless …ive never seen this kind of test in cambridge…dont waste ur time… it makes u frustrate…..

  15. @khanhlinhnguyen6243 says


  16. @BrothersExpressLTD says

    Last part was really tough one for me because i was only able to correct 3.

  17. @Gtbmusicals says

    Can any body please tell me in general ielts listening map, chart comes Or not

  18. @abhishekpatnaik144 says

    31/40 part4 is bit difficult

  19. @pavangavini6979 says

    Is this IDP council or BRITISH council?

  20. @dungothi2061 says


  21. @woahdog5336 says

    This was the test I took IDP 02/03 . How come it is so resembling?

  22. @chetnakhullar9976 says

    I got 27 score😊 section 4 was little hard for me 😑

  23. @manpreetsaini036 says


  24. @nidhikmth says


  25. @carmenmesescu4782 says

    Q 26 to 30 it says two words or a number so 14 days is wrong? Fourteen days is accepted or 14

  26. @huseynazeraliyev5641 says


  27. @khw7538 says

    two stations are nonu, too diffcult to spell just from hearing. this is quite unfair exam. otherwise i get 32 marks. totally unfair to people who have not been uk

  28. @rjndrthp9 says

    Guys anyone understand the answer for number 9?

  29. @longnhatnguyen2601 says

    i got 24/40 part 4 was tough and 12 and 13 should spell in a more detail way

  30. @marwahtarin1087 says


  31. @bindulazar5300 says


  32. @faruquehossain3614 says

    27/40 if i spell MARRY instate of MARY….will it consider correct.

  33. @faruquehossain3614 says

    Q13 Right answer is OLD GATE according to the audio…………..

  34. @titokhoury says

    Are prepositions in section 4 necessary?

  35. @armaan901 says

    I got 30 lol not good enough damn socrates

  36. @blacksheep9381 says


  37. @aapkirasoi3872 says

    Where is answer?

  38. @dehildehil says

    Ur answer sheet is comes with couple of wrong answers and spelling mistakes too….

  39. @parampalsingh783 says

    24:48 indian trying his best to speak in british accent..

  40. @harpreetsingh1675 says

    25 at1.25

  41. @SimranKaur-uy8jc says


  42. @muskansodhi7937 says

    I scored 22-40, thanks you so much

  43. @jaideepsingh1224 says


  44. @nishoza says

    36/40 It was a good one!

  45. @DanielPracianoNobre says

    I got 25!

  46. @Lcky87.i says

    I think that is old gate not eld gate👍🙂

  47. @Lcky87.i says

    It's hard, comparing to other questions but i got 30 without any interference 🙂👍

  48. @lepekasayeedkoly2446 says

    This was my first listening test while watching a video and I got 30.Part 4 seems difficult to me maybe because i didn’t have question paper with me..

  49. @ashu6806 says

    15-coast Brixton

  50. 30/40good❤

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