The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS:- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test, you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @Ashusom_Vlogs says

    32 are correct

  2. @behuman8076 says


  3. @kanna4ru says

    37 … practice tests I m getting around this only 35-38 …but in exam I got Band 7 last time ….

  4. @loksewaprepararion1117 says


  5. @ranrez7648 says

    Well the instructions are not according to the dialogues.

  6. @rashmiwalvekar6064 says

    28 right answers.

  7. @amanaujla2034 says

    I got 35 yeahhh

  8. @arashikage960 says


  9. @raghusanikommu6002 says


  10. @karmjitsingh6793 says

    25 correct 1st section is difficult

  11. @akildosani9976 says

    I got correct 30 out of 40 I think it will be 7.0 band around. But the 1st section (1-10 question) are mismatched.

  12. @karishmakarki1070 says

    Got 36 achieved

  13. @deepgill2483 says

    I got 29

  14. @bobbysinghrai719 says

    I got only 24😢😢😢

  15. @sukhmansidhu300 says

    36/40.. Part 1 was improper 😠

  16. @paramveersingh3520 says

    31 i want description of part one

    Please contact any one interesded to help me

  17. @baagiibaagii2605 says

    I got 33/40, part one was really hard.

  18. @karminderbajwa6488 says

    30/40 part 1 was much difficult

  19. @lehoag2467 says

    this is academic or general .
    thanks <3

  20. @blk_barbie3874 says

    OMG I can’t believe I got at least 39 correctly! If “30 minutes” is acceptable in question 12 then I got all 40 correct! This test was very difficult and I’m surprised really.

  21. @amalasarajoy1806 says

    32…section 1 is not in order.

  22. @ayeshazahid5016 says

    38 out of 40..Nice

  23. @kudratnature1389 says

    Mere to hmesha 15 ja es se vi km sahi jate hai😣😖😖😞

  24. @preetk8458 says

    I have got 35

  25. @ThuNguyen-nt1qo says

    i got 30 out of 40

  26. @hanphan9061 says

    I want to ask a question . How is speed in real test?

  27. @qeteshwadjet.1186 says

    Whao! 39! I Missed just number 11. …

  28. @ericmartinez7889 says

    32/40 Number 40 is wrong

  29. @mstf0697 says

    do not put intro music, please! sucks!

  30. @aleksandarkarakas4983 says

    34/40 But the 6-10 part was not correctly introduced to listeners…

  31. @jobanpreetverka4626 says

    Although Ist part was improper ,however I got 33

  32. @sukhsagarsandhu238 says

    36/ 40

  33. @thanhmaidangle7022 says

    31 👌

  34. @jaiminpatel3760 says

    19/40. Score.
    I am preparing for about 15-18 days and i think my listening is improving.
    Thanks 🙏🏼
    Can you give me heart ❣..?

  35. @blastlife4830 says


  36. @baljinderdhillon1148 says

    I complete this target 🤗🤗

  37. @prakharagarwal7605 says


  38. @palwashaumar8257 says

    Woman's voice in part 1 is so annoying

  39. @mdsajjad1688 says

    21 , i hope it will be increase

  40. @yakupergul2089 says

    I’ve got 20. The first part is socks especially 7-10

  41. @anymatix491 says


  42. @damanpreetkaur2127 says


  43. @masudurrahman4949 says


  44. @masudurrahman4949 says


  45. @mohsinshaikh7692 says

    first part is irritating….

  46. @tanvirahmed5474 says

    got 34

  47. @mayavargas9371 says


  48. @faysal5156 says

    Why she talks like this!!!🙄

  49. @jotkanda3842 says


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