The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @rajbirkaur8658 says


  2. @mutokakennedy3277 says


  3. @martinseyarmartin6488 says

    i got 30 with7.0band

  4. @DanielJayyMulozi says

    27 on my first try
    work in progress

  5. @zennutski says

    im not gonna lie, this was harder than the other ones.. got 31/40

  6. @mozaalharassi7514 says

    I got only 12
    Thank God🎉❤’

  7. @simmukhan183 says

    Unfortunately i got 27/40

  8. @Navjotdhaliwal2114 says

    25 😢

  9. @aaliyakaji4414 says

    Why the music at the end???😢

  10. @Jaswinder421 says


  11. @favourchisom2856 says

    number 4 is" hundred and ninty " but they wrote 180 as the correct answer. Who else noticed that

  12. @AJ-pb2rd says

    36/40 that is 8.0

  13. @neelhingrajiya6837 says

    I got 27 /40 . I got confused from 21 to 30 😢

  14. @harryparker8116 says

    hello im also starting this tests now, i was watching alot of english movies before but now im gonna learn academic listening tests for IELTS, i thinks its difficult than just english movie and social medias

  15. @DeveshBeri says

    Where are the answers available?

  16. @RohitThory-yo6my says

    My achievement 40/40🎉🎉

  17. @moreblessingmavhangira3013 says

    I got 32 😢😢😢 I want 40

  18. @Jamie-p1r says

    i‘m very doubtful for your answer,😆😆are others students search the same Questions online,i found that:21-22 AD,23-24 AD,25-26 BE,Topic name: Working Effectively In Groups

  19. @urmilahussain5351 says

    I am sure that the answers of 28 and 29 will be D and B respectively. I got 40 out of 40.

  20. @brycetan4235 says


  21. @geneviedumlao155 says

    i got 33/40😅

  22. @MDASFANHussain says


  23. @hn15 says


  24. @ummehassan8868 says


  25. @asityadav2323 says

    25 correct out of total 😢😢

  26. @samthomas3839 says

    Helo guys can we start a group for talk

  27. @OLEIBIO says


  28. @AbdulHannan-oc6nj says

    I got 19. 😢😢😢

  29. @JaswinderKaur-nk7zx says

    I think it is easy one in first attempt I got 30

  30. @randhawajatt1977 says

    Whatt the fuck you guys are doing??😡😡..28 and 29 questions were fucked up and why u guys giving 21 to 26 on a single in exams this things will never happen..

  31. @ElenaWU-xw2um says

    30 out of 40…..😢Where can I get the script ?

  32. @muhammadnauman2662 says


  33. @nirmalandrews17 says


  34. @ekamsohal7864 says


  35. @gerryyip7523 says

    first attempt: 19/40 😮‍💨😰😫

  36. @gerryyip7523 says

    second attempt: 25/40

  37. @jyotibhatti2097 says

    I got 23/40

  38. @marianninunzic says

    23 it's to low. I need to take 31 for the band 7

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