1. @payalgugu4807 says


  2. @harpreetkaurnavada9563 says

    Any new card for the 19th December exam??

  3. @honeybajwa7013 says

    She deserve 6 band

  4. @modernfarmer5358 says

    Relax dear relax

  5. @satnam_canada__ says

    Hoshiarpur wale thokoo like

  6. @Multanimani says

    Punjabi tone

  7. @lmlgaming7938 says

    5.5 ta hangi a

  8. @nvi1723 says


  9. @arshpreetchahal687 says

    Why 5 band ?????

  10. @byrakhimov says

    this is not 5

  11. @bonasalimova2452 says

    She used many times and and and

  12. @ramansandhu1033 says

    Fake lgdi peyi yr

  13. @jalil_safvronis says

    Take it easy. Dont rush yourself because your anxiety

  14. @dayanamin568 says

    Lol! Punjabi tone .i laugh during watching the whole video 😂

  15. @ManpreetKaur-vb6iu says

    A lot of grammar mistakes

  16. @shahadalotaibi7847 says

    Stress is the problem always 😭😭

  17. @jasmeenkaur2674 says

    In the cue card , she said moon rise to sun rise … I think she is bit nervous but all the best and keeping practicing

  18. @ajitsingh6207 says

    Still better than watching ticktock 😂😂😂

  19. @raashikhanna8420 says

    Spell every word correctly 😃 math = mathematics

  20. @dostonbeknabotov8587 says

    She used to repeat the all questions

  21. @sukhdhanoa1956 says

    Pronunciation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 very bad

  22. @razaali17 says

    Is this the real IELTS test or just a mock test.

  23. @sanchitt4299 says

    Is this actual evaluation as of actual IELTS???

  24. @komllove7665 says

    Punjabi touch aa tan hi 5aye overall it is good but 5.5 de dene c

  25. @pushpinderkumar7842 says

    Her speaking looks good however she didnt prepare for ielts speaking.

  26. @rajeshmarwari8853 says


  27. @dharmisthapatel2042 says

    Exam is hard?

  28. @hamzakureshi6978 says

    She deserves 6 band

  29. @pranav1869 says


  30. @Movieswithmexplaination0095 says

    Grammer problem 😭

  31. @vaibhavviradiya984 says


  32. @Go_with_modgill says

    6 band for her

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