1. @selvanathanchettiar6196 says


  2. @anoopanand6304 says


  3. @34-phantramy85 says


  4. @GiovanniFerr-y8h says

    To write down the correct name without the spelling was too hard for me…😅

  5. @AnkitKumar-yr2po says


  6. @Abdubori-s1m says

    I got 40/33😢

  7. @Abdubori-s1m says

    I got 40/33😢

  8. @KalpanaChaudhary251 says

    Sir make a special video of mcq Cambridge 🥺🥺…i need a lot 😢

  9. @SiryDud says

    Could you please explain how I am supposed to write the name Vijay Paresh correctly if I have never encountered this name before and you haven't spelled it out?

  10. @darkshadow8414 says

    i was too hard and first time i got only achieve 19/40 😓

  11. @kazbek_azirbayev says


  12. @RajwinderKNeeru says


  13. @StudyCorner-wv9ln says

    I got 26😢😢😢

  14. @sandeepkaur931 says

    Vijay Paresh…Fizza Perish😂too hard to write

  15. 22 performance or performence ?

  16. @sakinahumbatzada says

    Is this like the listening questions in IELTS?

  17. @kafulatenati4763 says

    Mmmmmm this is the hardest test have come across with

  18. @Qijie-tt says

    Has the question type of IELTS changed? Part3 I've never seen it in an exam

  19. @SunithaBenny-t8f says


  20. @oleksandrasheremet2646 says

    Only a person named Vijay Paresh can answer question 11 correctly

  21. @tarikahmmed7903 says


  22. @BadhonAhemed-eo1lp says

    6. London or londones?

  23. @lim_ulb says

    Fuck! I hate the background sound while waiting

  24. @SriparnaBanikNikkon says


  25. @MikaFronter says

    How can the answer to question 12 be 909 2467 if he clearly says "nine nine nine"?

  26. @DannysPick says

    I have a very serious problem regarding thier pronounciation actualy

  27. @areebamirza4952 says


  28. @juanmiguel1273 says

    I've noticed that question 30 has an error because it says "10,000 aN" and then the answer is "promotional work"

  29. @infinitylegend4612 says


  30. @A-1z2q says

    27/40 😭

  31. @aabansafan745 says

    Thank you for this amazing and helpful video please also make videos about writing and reading 🙏

  32. @hoangchinghiahoang9246 says


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