The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


ieltsielts 2020ielts listeningIELTS LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 2020 WITH ANSWERS | 11.10.2020 | SPECIAL IELTS PRACTICE TESTielts listening testielts listening test 2020ielts newielts testlisteninglistening ieltslistening ielts practicelistening testthe ielts listening test
Comments (46)
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  • @hasanhafij653

    How can I improve my score in listening? I got only 16. Absurd…

  • @mumbai4winners278

    Answer of 24 is 15.
    By the way, I only get 23. It was too hard especially the last part

  • @subashavr9396

    I have doubt in question 24. I am not convinced by the answer as 16 weeks.

  • @Samir_s090

    Mera 15th ko exam hai reading weak hai any tips🙁

  • @Samir_s090

    Reading kase ati hai exam Main difficult or easy

  • @krunalpatel8874

    I got 28 but I think question 24 is 15 weeks correct rather than 16 weeks.

  • @nitingolani3244

    Why the hell you have added background music in the reading test?

  • @rathigaming5941

    This time i got only 21 out of 40 , for me it was bit tough . Usually i score 30 or so. Thanks to @the IELTS Listening Test for making such kind of videos .

  • @Kouwokoeru3

    Got 29/40 The last part was really hard for me..

  • @harshitsinghal8514

    It cant be written like ie in writing task 1 because it is an abbrievation. And abbrievations are not used. Do let me know if I'm wrong.

  • @phoenixkid6644

    I got 35. Thanks for uploading. 💕💕
    Love from kerala

  • @vinaybhardwaj783

    Please make these type of view all in one I love it 😍😍

  • @AlaKareem

    i lost my marks in the last part. in total I scored 28

  • @panosx13

    let me ask you something . Is it imporsta to write fro example 54$ ,instead of 54 without the symbol's currency ?

  • @Gaurav99saini

    I ve got 24/40 though my average was 32. I have never seen such a complicated test, granny's accent and her pace just pierced my eardrum.
    I am supposed to give exam on 15th October for the first time 🙃.
    Do we expect this kind of difficulty level ?

  • @sairabathconcepts7224

    Can the answer to 13 and 14 be any order (That means either A and C / C and A) ? @the ielts listening test.

  • @anithatr4738 is so hard, i have never such low score.

  • @hardeepsingh-mf5rq

    I got 25/40. Last part was too complicated. Thnks for making daily video for us. Starting from this month, I am trying to solve every part with brief listening. Thank you so much.

  • @puddink91

    I answered some parts using singular forms:

    3. thriller
    4. comedy program
    9. CD

    I guess these are considered as wrong answers (?)

  • @twangstar01

    This listening test contains a lot of unnecessary information (distractions) especially in the last part

  • @ChroniclesofYore929

    Got 30. lost marks in the section 4. I am unable to catch some words. for question no 17 and 18 I think the answer is C, E. he has not mentioned French in the recording.

  • @11-asnanmohsin73

    that was a tough listening got only 21 and 3 in last part…

  • @annajuliamoraesleite4226

    I'm positive that the right answer to question nº. 24 is "5 weeks", not "16 weeks/4 months". Please, check again. And thank you for your work!

  • @karunakarbandikatla9462

    19/40. This is one of its kind. Last part accent is very difficult to understand. Scored 0/10 in the last part.

  • @channelzen92

    What time exactly are the answers of task 1?