IELTS SPEAKING 6.0 BAND ! New IELTS Speaking Test 2021

IELTS Speaking test
The Speaking test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and consists of an interview between the test taker and a trained and certified examiner. Click the parts of the test to find out more.

Name – Navdeep Kaur
Country – India
State – Punjab
Band Score – 6.0



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  • @AmitRana-yh2nh

    sir mother tongue ka speaking par fark padta hai?

  • @broken2245

    She got 6 band 🙄my fluency is good but teacher gives me hardly 6 😥😥

  • @annejorda4360

    She just got 6?why, I mean she is consistent and spontaneous to begin with. At least 7 band is reasonable

  • @mdtanzil5559

    Last part was so impressive 👏👏
    She comeback from inertia 👏

  • @alhasib7808

    Exeminer is asking her very slowly😃. But in IELTS is totally different. They speak so fast.

  • @amanghotra3694

    her accent was not so good but i like her fluency and presence of mind , i think she deserves 6.5 bands as per her speaking

  • @sandhunik

    The mjor reason of she was got 6 band was reputation or hesitation however she was good

  • @salmandabwan

    I did my test a few days ago, and in addition to the mask there is a transparent shield between us which made hearing the questions hard to be honest.

  • @jaskiratkaur9033

    She got 6 bands beacuse she speaks in a punjabi tongue…….

  • @pareshpandya1171

    Superb 👍👍Napdip kor and thanks sir 👍👍 it is being useful to us..

  • @jaggajatt5866

    Can you tell me sir where this test was conducted.

  • @RoyaSparkle

    Is it a real exam or scripted for giving us examples?
    I'm really confused.

  • @sukhrob11

    Her score should have been at least 6.5 or 7✌️✌️

  • @arshsingh4084

    You are fake examiner and tell me,what os hme hme ? Je 😂😂

  • @RajKumar-vv7tt

    I always speak with confidence but my teacher always give me 5 or 5.5 band ever…..


    I already Publish {Band 9} Family, Work, Job, Telework, Complete Test Videos 2021 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @kanwaljitkaur12319

    You have to speak correctly and don't use A when you don't know how to speak and when you speak don't watch here and there . Change your way to speak .

  • @aldosimonetti9581

    didn't quite get the difference between band 6 and 7 in terms of grammatical range (I know about accuracy) What I got is that at band 6 a candidate uses both simple and complex sentences but the variety of complex structures is limited. On the other hand, at band 7 a candidate again uses both simple and complex sentences except that the variety of complex sentences is expected to be higher than at band 6. Am I right?
    Or that at band 6 using a mix of complex and simple structures means that the candidate tends to use for the 50% of the speech simple sentences and for the 50% of the speech complex structures (and at band 7 most user's language consists of complex structures?)