IELTS Speaking | BAND 8 | Real IELTS Speaking Test


What is a good score in IELTS speaking?
IELTS scores are trusted by organizations across the world. Your IELTS band scores decide the level of competence in the English language. It tells how much you understand English Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. So, if you have scored 7 or more then you are marked as a good user.

IELTS Speaking 5.5 Band Score –

IELTS Speaking 6.5 Band Score –

IELTS Speaking 7.5 Band Score –

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Key assessment criteria for IELTS Speaking:
Fluency & Coherence (FC) – 8.0
Lexical Resource (LR) – 8.0
Grammatical range and accuracy (GRA) – 8.0
Pronunciation (P) – 8.5

Is IELTS speaking difficult?
Since it’s structured like an interview, the Speaking test is a stressful exercise for many test-takers. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to not only reduce stress but attain a high score.


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Comments (26)
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  • @komalchoudhary4554

    Good one but seems like he have already practiced that questions.

  • @mheyeng

    diko kasabot..lahi rajud pinoy mo pronounce

  • @jaskaransingh766

    Why you have changed the speed of interview ? Nobody gonna know 😂

  • Anonymous

    Seems like video is bit speed up while editing.

  • @TR_video

    your speed is no fast 😂😂😂😂😂👌👌

  • @shawn6515

    Anybody wants a speaking buddy to practice conversation 🌝 cause i also needed one

  • @ronakjoshi

    This does not seem like a real test. This guy has his answers prepared way before they are been asked, plus this 12-15 min test ended in 10 min itself. Also, the examiner and the student seem to know each other.

  • @vimbaidewa

    My speaking test is on Monday ….anyone who need a speaking partner

  • @HypotheticShivam

    The speaking is taking the conversation at a faster rate resulting in the interviewer having to match the same pace as well. But I have not seen many interviewers usually go at such a pace during the Interview

  • @25anlac

    I'm sure 100% the examiner in this video is not an IELTS examiner because of her accent 😊