#FullBlast #CEFR #Form4 English – Form 4 (Unit 6 : Time Out) Textbook Units


This is a video on one of the units in the Close-Up textbook for the Form 3 pupils. Unit 9 is High-Tech World. This lesson covers the skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are exercises given using various applications like Padlet, EdPuzzle, Kahoot and FlipGid.


  1. Gurdeep Kaur says

    hello educator omni, may i ask do you have a copy of this textbooks? perhaps the pdf version

  2. Hi Pn Gan! Do you have part 2 of this lesson?

  3. By the way, I really like your videos. I hope to be able to make videos like you.

  4. 江Cindy says

    Hi Pn Gan,do you have part 2 lesson?

  5. Mahaathevan 1049 says

    Thanks you teacher it's really help me

  6. Ng Xin Jie says

    teacher where is the grammer pg85

  7. user says

    teacher where is the grammer pg83

  8. umah mugundan says

    Thanks Pn Gan 🌻

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