The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @thegreatgatsby9071 says

    35/40 First time

  2. @HardeepKaur-bp9gc says

    I got 39 out of 40 at first attempt

  3. @jaspreetkour1958 says

    I got 32/40 in my first try

  4. @tinachikandira6608 says

    The most easy one i have attempted so far… Got 30/40

  5. @RahulSharma-jn1bg says

    I got 37 in my first attempt . A nice try

  6. @DeepakSharma-bu3kr says

    I got 36 out of 40 ,,, 😍😍😍😍

  7. @suruchiarya8611 says

    THIS ONE THE MOST EASIEST TILL DATE. i wish that one to come in exam.

  8. @English-everything says

    I got 34 out of 40 @1.25 speed. i want more practice and concentration and I am going to appear for exam on Feb 11 , please pray for me friends.

  9. @abdulazizkhaydarov says

    35 in first attempt

  10. @smilemama2831 says


  11. @alt3574 says

    37 out of 40. My test is on 15th, wish me luck!😬

  12. @TaranTravel says


  13. @andresalarcon2119 says

    35/40. For the 35 should be "in order" but only 1 word is accepted. I think "örder" doesn't fit in the sentence

  14. @agnesslombanyaphiri1065 says

    I got 18/40

  15. @laurelsylvia9824 says

    36/40 good luck to me 🎉❤

  16. @Chpokpupok08 says

    36 out of 40 at the first time🎉

  17. @anishsunar1007 says

    I scored 36/40 hope i wll do better in my tommorrow exam😟

  18. @vikkyvikranth6737 says

    I got 34

  19. @nishasokhal1702 says

    I got 39 out of 40…but think this listening is essay ..and my video speed is 1.5x ..and my exam in 19 January

  20. @akshaykapoor8180 says

    does the real test is also easy one like this ?

  21. @syedaqeelabbas1961 says


  22. @mannmunday says

    35 out of 40 in first attempt

  23. @ghost_jashan723 says

    I got 37/40

  24. @pisxxx4 says

    37/40 not sure if this general test

  25. @harjotkaur5336 says


  26. @yulduzusmanova4241 says

    Q35 why order? Organised is better

  27. 38/40😳

  28. @AnimeShortsYM says


  29. @surenderpal813 says

    check Question No:30

  30. @Craftwithgagan says

    I got 38/40

  31. @SHEORAN__2002 says


  32. @eagleeye1190 says


  33. @tp4166 says

    This test is quite easy. The second time I've got 36/40.

  34. @ronyakther8701 says

    Alhamdulillah i got 32🥰🥰🤲🤲

  35. @abrarhussain4781 says

    I got 40 on 1st attempt

  36. @iqranadeem3996 says

    32 out 40🎉

  37. @manishprajapati627 says

    34 Tq😍

  38. @kyicho11 says

    Omg 39 I think this is so easy that’s why I got this marks

  39. @yerbolbekbolat says


  40. @gauratiwari6201 says


  41. @mr.inscreadible8913 says

    I got 37 in first Time !! But Section 4 is easy As Compared To Other Tests ..

  42. @KP_100 says


  43. @myrealmecorner9265 says

    35/40 🎉

  44. @nadiasupa9663 says

    32/40 1st try

  45. @Gauravkumar-vz8uy says


  46. @agnesa6320 says

    I got 34/40 😊

  47. @bingxinjiang3273 says


  48. @abdulxakimjurayev6902 says

    I like these vedio lessons` and my engilish skills are improve day-to-day, that`s whay, I should Thanks to this channel staff.And, I will recommend to my friends and my coursemates.

  49. @MoniraParvin-v1e says

    I got 35, first attempt

  50. @NaumanAzam-ry5pf says

    35❤ Alhamdulillah

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