The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @potterhary49 says


  2. @potterhary49 says

    Super store

  3. @potterhary49 says


  4. @prekshyamaharjan9383 says

    Everyone in comments getting 30+
    Me who got 20:πŸ’€

  5. @potterhary49 says


  6. @potterhary49 says

    Coprative buildinh

  7. @potterhary49 says

    Social housinh

  8. @jawaadaliofficial42 says

    25/40 first attempt 😬😬

  9. @ruxshona4462 says

    Where's the answers

  10. @ruxshona4462 says

    I need answer's

  11. @susmita5578 says

    How to check our answer.
    Please help me

  12. 30/40, yet I never give up!!! Thank you so much for your effort!

  13. Is this the real exam? Because I can see some inaccuracies in the answer sheet. For instance, Q13 states that only "coloniSation" is correct, while in the American English this word is predominantly written as "coloniZation". Additionally, in Q17 the correct answer is "rich soil", while the narrator says "fertility" in the same sentence just 5 seconds prior. It is unfair to include "rich soil" only. Finally, in Q38 the correct answer is '"co-operative", whereas "cooperative" is also correct. Moreover, the word "buildings" should be included, too. Why? Becuase 1) it is not mentioned in the question, so we can add it 2) There is a two-word limit in this question, so adding "buildings" is acceptable.

  14. @sandeepgill3447 says

    Only 17/40 what can i do for my listening πŸ˜”πŸ˜­

  15. @mariegeliang4780 says

    First try I got 23

  16. @exploringworld9648 says

    From where i can get pdf of this listening

  17. @maryoseitutu8801 says

    32/40 first try….. Thanks so much

  18. @9mira124 says

    1) gardens 2) 1/5, 3) shopping centres, 4) glass, 5) 6)waste 7) wind form

  19. @subhrajyotisengupta3216 says

    32/40 1.25x

  20. @MakeupHub_10 says


  21. @samanthasavina4144 says

    First attempt 36/40

  22. @gtracknepal7210 says

    got 39' on 'first try

  23. @ramanbajwa163 says

    With full of pleasure thnkuuu to this channel ❀️❀️🐸6:5in listening wohoooooo however I had easy listening in final exam because this channel helped me to do practice of hard concepts

  24. @priviledgemoyo835 says

    34/40 I feel like I’m super ready

  25. @tejapatel7071 says

    This doesn't work for practising. It's looks like fake. Which exam asks option to tik like A N I ?? Bulshit.
    Cambridge material is perfect to practising

  26. @SimranBahad says

    I got 37 / 40 🌸🌸

  27. @sauravnegi8634 says

    Guys I need tips to score well I'm not able to correct even 1 to 5 part questions. Guys please assist

  28. @Techhunting says

    26/40 it is my first day of ielts listening test and i am very eager to tell you about this

  29. @tafadzwahamandishd7979 says

    I got 26 out of 40 I gotta wrk hrd

  30. @sanjivneupane507 says

    25/40 having some disturbance from outside otherwise i will do more better

  31. @meetkumarsoni5106 says

    Part 2 was difficult 😣

  32. @gracekombe1352 says

    Got 35/40 ❀

  33. @alex97451 says

    Without headset, 33!

  34. @mariaschonherr6849 says

    30/40 keep going 😷

  35. @adelekeajoke1002 says

    30/40 thanks

  36. @cihanbulut3389 says

    32 still to much to go …

  37. @AmanDeep-lp1ec says

    24/40 πŸ™‚

  38. @chipegohaachizo9840 says


  39. @showkatshah5534 says


  40. @shijujohn6647 says

    I got 33/40

  41. @aparajitasristy9834 says

    37/40😭😭😭 Im not dreaming…
    I made it…πŸ€§πŸ€§β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯

  42. @martinkinyoro83 says

    Scored 23 in my 1st attempt….

  43. @brichvr7820 says

    #21. What i heard was offices not officers someone correct me if hears it wrong..

  44. @nhathuyenftu4029 says

    10/40 . comment for next time with a better result.

  45. @jijigeorge5551 says


  46. @nicolechan1038 says


  47. @arthpatel5047 says

    Only 25 I got in first attempt πŸ™πŸ™

  48. @lolbhai4080 says

    I think the 3rd number answer would be 3 hours., am i right?

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