The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @abbasjehan8082 says


  2. @sanjeevpandit1729 says


  3. @eagleeye1190 says


  4. @parbatparajuli2161 says

    35/40 😭 i am still trying to get 40/40.

  5. @amanbhullar6427 says

    I got 31 score in this listening test .I think that it is very easy listening

  6. @anthonyudeh1873 says

    first try and i got 33

  7. @hieryn says

    33/40 not bad actually, but I'm going to work harder

  8. @iwilllearneverything says

    39/40 , couldn't even get to 30 in prevous tests that i took .

  9. @indumanish1019 says

    Anyone who can help me in IELTS reading test parpring plzz

  10. @mustafizurrahman7940 says

    Got 29 correct out of 40 with 1.5 speed

  11. @SmritiGurung-fp5fq says

    36/ 40

  12. @yacinebenabdelaziz5181 says

    first try 27
    second 32

  13. @sunny6536 says

    I got 24.5 out of 40 marks

  14. @neelammalik8300 says

    33/ 40

  15. @lassanakamara841 says

    Please guys in IELTS real exam what speed the audio recording is played at for example, normal, 1, 1.25 or more? I need help, please!

  16. @tahminapopy9739 says


  17. @alfrediddrisu2036 says


  18. @cookwithsh says


  19. @needless7682 says

    36 / 40 i only got one wrong and three spelling mistakes

  20. @muhammadnoumanliaqat4479 says

    i got 26/40 at first attempt on the speed of 1.25

  21. @abenaforwaa1609 says

    What is the title of the song at the end of the test

  22. @mohsinraza2117 says

    39 on first attempt, it was simple.

  23. @seventeencarat3775 says

    got 32/40. Need to work extra harder

  24. @dagirlsswag says

    33/40, i want to score bvove 35 please give a way

  25. @Gurungtamu53 says


  26. @AbhishekTiwari-jq8lc says


  27. @qasimovan6 says

    I got 29

  28. @mercyphilip9348 says

    36 on first attempt

  29. @HuyenBui-vc9ok says

    first time i got 35 in the first try, omg

  30. @gourav7562 says

    Hey fellas! I was unable to get the answer of question 28 anyone here to help ( elaborate)

  31. @intuition6675 says

    IELTS speaking partner (aiming to score at least a band score of 8 or higher) required for speaking practice. Interested fellows can buzz me through a comment here, please.

  32. @afranafran2629 says

    I have got 21 out of 40 😥
    My first Experience today and 1st attempt.

  33. @sunatullayevasarvinoz4484 says

    First time 12😁

  34. @khalidbinibeahim says


  35. @sossizurpssossip7280 says

    spelling mistakes from the question itself

  36. @Miss-po3ou says


  37. @muhammadzakariyo786 says

    For the first time I got 7.5 from listening so 33/40

  38. @vivakalmen_animation says

    `17|40/ I will make it better

  39. @shajeelhassan8727 says

    Got 35 for the first time since I’m practicing listening skills….

  40. @__The_boys__ says

    35 done❤

  41. @Sanwal6552 says

    26/40 first try 😍

  42. @everything9846 says

    22/40😢 I was trying my hard but I can’t get more

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