The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @komalameen says

    Where are answers of all these questions

  2. @dr.ahmedalaadrake614 says

    Q34 should be clothes?

  3. @mamaskitchen9257 says


  4. @rajbirkaur8658 says


  5. @florencearmah5402 says


  6. @nadyanyms says

    39/40. 🥹 Hoping to be this lucky on the actual test, with easier topics & clearer narrations

  7. @chrisliujuly says


  8. @ifraponiahmed2668 says


  9. @GurpreetSingh-vl4yt says


  10. @simmukhan183 says

    To be very honest I got 29/40 👍yet I need hard work on listening module

  11. @vishnu-qm6hk says

    Camera not cameras

  12. @JatinderKaur-gp1gm says


  13. @thuaphi says


  14. @Maxliyo-qm8ph says

    I got 29/49 in first attempt. I think it is more easier than others.

  15. @RohitThory-yo6my says

    39/40 in listening test🎉🎉🎉

  16. @mayszain2769 says

    I got 34

  17. @raselrana4508 says


  18. @Altamash100k says

    I got 34 in first attempt 🎉

  19. @Sandhu_jatt-t1z says

    I got 27/40 that is enough for my requirement

  20. @coo995 says

    How to find ans?

  21. @azizabobokulova2181 says

    I got only 21 and the worst is tomorrow my exam will be held😢. Please motivate me to get high score 😭

  22. @ganeshkarki3444 says

    29ans is march rght

  23. @tharindukawshan4188 says

    I got 28 marks ❤😊

  24. @silpapt8456 says

    31/40 first attempt

  25. @ramneetkaur4004 says


  26. @khbanaraskhbanaras9868 says

    29 /40 first attempt❤❤

  27. @GurjotSinghMehra-l4d says

    I got 28 with first attempt

  28. @choprasaab5266 says

    32/40 in first attempt

  29. @shohzodbeksayfiyev9002 says

    I would like to ask something related to ielts.Yesterday was my exam and in reading section l was running out of time and had to write T,F,N/g for True/False/Not given questions.Will they be counted as right answers or did l have to write with full words.

  30. @mayank_goyal_ says

    it was easy beacuse only one speakeer is speaking but then alsi i git only 24 percentage

  31. @jasminagajic1992 says


  32. @barisozcivi6422 says

    Definitely, This exam includes many mistaken answers stupid did not write even the question. 27.Q says Sarah they write Search terrible. 30.Q says March answers in April Jesus christ.

  33. @Navjotdhaliwal2114 says

    32 😊😊

  34. @IuTvWorld says

    guys, the mark is allowed if I don't write "S"? For example: "camera" instead of "cameras". PLease help

  35. @dryma1892 says

    Regards to the No(31), she said 2000 for the online and same as for the telephone, resulting in 4000 both being around. Is n't ?

  36. @haidaralphy4126 says

    What is the DVD and CD?

  37. @abhishekkathuria2600 says

    Got 39 in first attempt little bit easy

  38. @gurinderdhaliwal3370 says

    I got 36

  39. @nirmalandrews17 says


  40. @jaskaur1491 says

    Is it correct if we write programmes instead of programs plz reply me guys

  41. @gerryyip7523 says

    first attempt: 31/40
    I've done part 2 and 4 before, excluding them, I only get 11/20 in part 1 and 3
    I still need to practice more.

  42. @stellaselassie272 says


  43. @tuyetngatran6900 says

    Q21. answer should be "over 200"

  44. @mimialasan9480 says

    I got 34

  45. @marianninunzic says

    I got 28 in first attempt but I need to take 7. How can I do it?

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