In ielts listening test video, we are providing you with a listening practice test in order to help you prepare for the IELTS Listening Test 2024. This practice test has the same structure as the actual test, so if you are able to pass it, you are well on your way to a successful score.

If you are interested in taking the IELTS Listening Test, then be sure to check out this video. We will provide you with a listening practice test so that you can prepare for the test and achieve a high score. Thanks for watching!

The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.
Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet use a pencil At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.

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the ielts listening test 2025
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Ielts Listening Practice
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listening test
listening 2024 practice
practice listening
listening ielts 2025

@Copyrighted – Team IELTS Dream @TheIELTSListeningTest


  1. @SuperJamboss says

    Thank you very much for prepared IELTS listening video! Could you please to correct the eight question in the video?

  2. @bobojonislomboyev says

    why questions from 25 to 30 was complicated

  3. @Msafeer005 says


  4. @navu2626 says

    why the 8 question has all the same options and they said High street and I choose a now in answers the right answer is B. But they all have same name just High street

  5. @RavindergillRavinder-y8c says


  6. @SabikshaDahal says

    24/40 😥
    Spelling was quite hard than regular one
    And I guess advantages spelling is wrong over here too

  7. @etiakter5948 says


  8. @Navjot-j2y says

    33/40 (7.5) 👶🏻

  9. @Shadowingandpodcasts says

    I only made a mistake in question 8.

  10. @VivoVivo-q8z2q says

    What is the ans of question no 5?

  11. @efebasar8510 says


  12. @preetsandhu6505 says

    Its makes me demotivate today

  13. @SriparnaBanikNikkon says

    19/40 😥

  14. @quvonchbeksafarov-h1g says

    3 choices of question 8 is same.a) high street.b)high street and c)high street🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 is that real test?

  15. @soooo8820 says

    19/40 🥲

  16. @user-xu6sl2dj8q says


  17. @mariairshad6780 says

    26/40 😢

  18. @lokeshsejuwal3505 says

    WTF, is this the real test?? what about qn. 8

  19. @EmCult-eq1iu says

    Where I can get pdf version of questions?

  20. @Alpharian-t1b says


  21. @mrananasik1198 says

    i usually get 27-30, but in that one i got only 21. It seems to me that it was difficult or im just stupid

  22. @UzairUllah-w1b says

    30/40 but my spelling is very bed 😢😢

  23. @slowly7065 says

    Terrible third part, how are we supposed to know how to write these words if we don't know what they mean? 32

  24. @imgrace333 says


  25. @tttthhghhgdssmjh1206 says

    Don't practice this types of tests, i'm ielts trainer Please Avoid using these

  26. @anishathomas2520 says

    Thank you so much for helping me to get 9 band in my IELTS listening test.

  27. @tarikahmmed7903 says

    22/40.i think it’s quite hard..😢

  28. @tjtarek4535 says

    Quite tricky

  29. @tjtarek4535 says

    20 /40 😢

  30. @RajwinderKNeeru says


  31. @ujjwalrarespy4026 says


  32. @embeanchay says


  33. @hacgiaythiengia7516 says

    25. so many new words

  34. @gauravthakur5650 says


  35. @SilasJames-u5f says


  36. @AliMeslmani-n3x says


  37. @rajaadnanirshad says

    26 out of 40 speed is so fast

  38. @MansiJayswal-hw6pn says

    27/40 this was difficult from spelling point of view

  39. @edgarperezraygoza1664 says


  40. @rockzdhi8489 says

    I got 28/40 . my exam is next week. I am worried now.

  41. @АлимовЖахангир says

    8 question the same answer

  42. @jeenakv8819 says

    27 very tough

  43. @RaselAhmed-r5p says

    21 out of 40😢

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