In ielts listening test video, we are providing you with a listening practice test in order to help you prepare for the IELTS Listening Test 2024. This practice test has the same structure as the actual test, so if you are able to pass it, you are well on your way to a successful score.

If you are interested in taking the IELTS Listening Test, then be sure to check out this video. We will provide you with a listening practice test so that you can prepare for the test and achieve a high score. Thanks for watching!

The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.
Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet use a pencil At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.

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the ielts listening test 2024
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Ielts Listening Practice
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@Copyrighted – Team IELTS Dream @TheIELTSListeningTest


  1. @maduperpetual9855 says


  2. @GurpreetSingh-bz3jt says

    I got 36/40

  3. @rashikasarkar1708 says

    38 /40

  4. @ajayiaabimbola7769 says


  5. @ccdigitalcompany says

    Hello sir, please give me advice on how to improve my listening skills. I get 32/40 every time, give or take 1 point. I try to practice listening every day, and it seems like I'm improving, but in fact, not really. So what should I do to improve my skills?

  6. @gladysedoze581 says


  7. @Cringe0.4 says

    where is solution?

  8. @Iam_Yvonne says

    i don't understand question 12

  9. @sri-jagan says

    39/40 – feeling happy

  10. @kiaraarora599 says


  11. @BryanSanchez-ql7rr says


  12. @inspireforfuture3311 says

    Is it okay to write all words in small letter or is it necessary to write some main words in capital

  13. @NaviChahal-o5s says


  14. @nauman-TV-VMN says


  15. @artinsaadat2 says

    I scored 39/40
    Here's my personal piece of advice
    Don't get your hopes up with this and let me assure you there is no IELTS exam with such an easy listening

  16. @santoshkhanalvlogs2057 says

    not to bad i got the 25 😅

  17. @UKFRIENDS-h3m says

    I got 30/40 I think I'm improving everyday 😮😊

  18. @aulakhgurjeet4751 says

    Is there anyone who wants to do speaking with me

  19. @RemoGlobal says


  20. I found 30

  21. @theioverning5136 says

    30 7

  22. @ShaistaKashif-q9i says

    I got 28/40

  23. @TấnKhảiPhan-z7i says


  24. @fahmidajannat2055 says

    speed 1.5

  25. @Jiughes says


  26. @IshoriChemjong says


  27. @ИнкиПинки-д1т says


  28. @ZyadaYowhans says

    I got 20/40 I must practice more and more.

  29. @soumyarahim1921 says

    I got 27🎉

  30. @hathuanphat9a222 says

    31/40 bruh

  31. @SardarMutalipov says

    Part 4 has been really complicated😢

  32. @djchbis says

    34/40 and I hope it can reach 38/40 in several days.

  33. @BhawanaKhadka-i8y says

    I got 39/40🎉hope to get same score in final test

  34. @balveersingh5065 says

    10 only 😢

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