IELTS Speaking Test ! New Speaking Interview Band 5.5


IELTS SPEAKING TEST BAND 5.5 WITH NEW RULE 202 FULL INTERVIEW IELTS Speaking Test Sample Full Speaking Interview.
Real Speaking Interview
New Speaking Interview
Speaking Test For IELTS
Online Speaking Test
Speaking In 2022
Full Speaking Test
Real IELTS Speaking test 2021



  1. @itsmorana2444 says

    It seems like he memorized all answers.

  2. @sneakyx5418 says

    Bro forgot to say well

  3. @Undisputed0626 says

    If the examiner knows nothing then why he have the rights to judge this candidate
    Poor teacher=poor student

  4. @inderveerpunia5348 says

    is this review of original exam ??

  5. @prabjotdosanjh9746 says

    Close ur channel am also a speaker teacher he deserves 6.5

  6. @harsh_pbx07 says

    My speaking was worst than him…but still I scored 6 bandπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€¦it’s very hard to understand idp…

  7. @kordeduswanta3938 says

    the background made me sick

  8. @gopikashanil6441 says

    He done it very well. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  9. @amrindersingh832 says

    6.5 +

  10. @pavanv6039 says

    He said orange in Indian flag haha

  11. Please avoid cu card section sound becz so many ielts students are listen and practice with this section. We don't practice bcz of this sound

  12. @shanirana7979 says

    According to this video I deserve more than 6.5
    I got 6 in recent exam

  13. @birajjoshi6517 says

    He is speaking like robot..he must have memorized the answers

  14. @unknownmusician3219 says

    I've gotten 6 bands despite of having good fluency and grammar

  15. @unknownmusician3219 says

    This examiner really sucks

  16. @ishitsharma9976 says

    He is deserving more then 6.5 not more then this definitely

  17. @Babur_japan says

    U yodlagan

  18. @akishanlakshika8893 says

    Memorized answers 😊

  19. @mojammelhoque1926 says

    But it seems like memorised to me. He was answering confidently though but heard like memorised.

  20. @rajveerkaur4640 says

    He is very fluent and confident,he deserves more than 6

  21. @nbita4961 says

    Handseon engineers

  22. @sadecehakliolangaliptir6730 says

    Same in Canada.Last videos πŸ˜…constantly Indians.Welcome CanaIndia.

  23. @anuj_chl says

    I give 10/9 to this type of teacher πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and I think this teacher can also deserve more πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  24. @James_Wenston0 says

    Actually, He speaks way better and more fluent than the examiner

  25. @shravanas1017 says

    For me, the examiner is eligible for 5.5, and the candidate is definitely eligible for 6 or above

  26. @r.a.f.e415 says

    Well it seems that candidate memorized the answers. It's like he is reading an essay

  27. @venuskumar2016 says


  28. @brettlee3763 says

    He deserve more than 6 bands

  29. @Jaatoxic says

    Its not about how fast you speak, its about are you intracting with the examiner or take frequent break during your conversation..its a free advice for all of you

  30. @navirajput7447 says

    Examiner kussa pencho eni end speaking diti vrr ne, sadi ta eni v heni tavi 5.5 ajande awπŸ˜‚

  31. @suhaib629 says

    In the last he didn't understand one question.The examiner asks him whom do you like in your family and he just said opposite answer of that question that in my family everyone likes me because etc and he add some points that's was out of the Question . That's why he got only 5.5 .otherwise he spoke well .

  32. @Shraits says

    7.5 for the examiner ig..

  33. @mirzaabrar12.24 says

    Not 5 but atleast overall 6

  34. @rochanaanuda3245 says

    parrot 🦜 he is not that much natural

  35. @bhaveshvaghela2756 says

    It's awesome video sir ❀

  36. @dinabahardar6066 says

    I gave my real ielts exam in speaking i got 5.5 and coming to the point i haven't used any connector , no idioms just a simple and formal speaking in cue card i spoke just 30 to 40 sec cause i became nervous although my expectations was to get 3 4 band score i got 5.5
    I suggest to all that speak fluently and try to speak natural you can get a better band scores

  37. @kiranchudal2546 says

    No he didn’t Come for Table …he is there to attend ielts test

  38. @PriyaKainth-eq7cv says

    I think he desurb more

  39. @PriyaKainth-eq7cv says

    Just grammar is weaker but other skills are good

  40. @anuvindvinod6198 says

    He deserves 7..i think

  41. @SUKH_PLAHA says

    Wtf how he gives him 5.5
    It deserves 6

  42. @ompradeeppk1998 says

    At list le deserves 7 band

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