IELTS Strong Vocabulary | 8.0 Band Vocabulary for IELTS Preparation


IELTS Strong Vocabulary | 8.0 Band Vocabulary for IELTS Writing TestEssential IELTS Vocabulary Tips
Get into good study habits. There are plenty of good study habits you can acquire to grow your IELTS vocabulary
Make the most of your dictionary. Don’t just look for the definition
Add even more words to your IELTS vocabulary
Record all new words you encounter.
IELTS Strong Vocabulary #ielts 8.0 Band Score #ieltsvocabulary #vocabulary


  1. @dhairyarachchh7105 says

    Perfect video ❤ for Vocab

  2. @Aryan_8-175 says

    Very useful and outstanding

  3. @Aryan_8-175 says

    Last one is word or world???

  4. @shravanreddy7874 says

    I know all these Vocabulary.

  5. @shravanreddy7874 says

    I know more than 200000 English Vocabulary now.

  6. @sakthisureshbabu9213 says

    Thanks you very much for the session

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