The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @anandhu5435 says


  2. @guramrits779 says

    33/40 on sept 12

  3. @Akarshkaur says

    31 did silly mistakes

  4. @MahaswetaMDas says

    All the best ❤

  5. @MahaswetaMDas says

    30/40 exam on 28th

  6. @MSubhan-fx9bk says

    27/40 exam on 7 oct

  7. @factworld_Jaihind says

    13th ka answer A hona chaeye … usme telepohone no. Studnent no. Bi dene ke leye bola ha ??

  8. @Ig-Gurwinder says

    Give blessings me because tommorow is my speaking ❤❤

  9. @margaretowiredu4361 says

    Question 13 is A not C

  10. @lazydev-x5f says

    is it real or mock who cna expain me
    ithink it is mock ???????

  11. @advzaheerzaidi2291 says

    30/40 very tough

  12. @riturajsharma8763 says


  13. @kuldeepdeora2470 says

    Got 28😢

  14. @rahulmondol6450 says

    May i see this audio transcript

  15. @kaur3027 says

    😢19 to vadh number h nhi aa rhe 😢😢 kive improve kra ?

  16. @NoorPreetKaur-ps8rw says

    I got 8 bands in listening with the help of this channel
    Thank you ❤

  17. @anuwatsongkarn1443 says


  18. @jatingautam8423 says

    17 cameras

  19. @evelynorjingene2545 says

    28 exams on 12 oct

  20. @ramenofficer8101 says

    can someone tell me the answer of 13? i thought it was A

  21. @dhvanipandya7803 says


  22. @BimanSarker-v1y says

    I've got 25 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  23. @AjaMa-t3n says


  24. @sathvikjilla8148 says

    24 may be – RELEASING

  25. @baljeetkaursidhu-zt4ph says

    I got 23

  26. @vlaksha6478 says

    Is 13 the right answer..??

  27. @vamsikrishnabln5115 says

    Are these tests taken from official ielts exams?

  28. @pannusaab307 says


  29. @CanadaDream-o1p says

    Got 31 , it is so tough 😢

  30. @gursimarsingh7615 says

    Again 26😢
    1 week se 26 he aa rhe hai vdd he nhi rhe 😢

  31. @NakitaVTB says

    This is my first time to do the test… Only 10/40… Sad

  32. @SachinKumar-mh1vo says

    The correct Answer of Question number 13 is A not C

  33. @davieskiplagat5400 says

    31/40 section 3 very tough

  34. @cricketnews2111 says


  35. @mederrayimbekov97 says

    40/20 it was hard for me 😢

  36. @AmanSaini-be5lf says


  37. @EYOBGEZAHEGN-j9q says

    The correct Answer of Question number 13 is A not C

  38. too many spelling mistakes in a test. also, she clearly says we will depart at 9.30 sharp, so the answer for question 15 is 9.30.

  39. @enginoz0107 says

    What does "lost constract" mean ??

  40. @DragonLong-vs3zf says

    22/40。I got the worst score in this weeks.Confused me deeply in the last part,OH MY GOD 😢

  41. @NurseBrendaDesire says

    I scored 32/40

  42. @AwaisGujjar-m2q says

    29 out of 40 😊😊😊

  43. @dapinderdhaliwal9105 says

    28/40 section 4 very tough

  44. @modhafermabrouki599 says


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