The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.
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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @dia6976 says


  2. @naturelover7x7 says

    I enjoyed practicing and doing this test. Thank you

  3. @albaybars3323 says


  4. @md.mezanurrahaman3998 says

    27 out of 40

  5. @ramandeepbhangu2118 says


  6. @rezarahman1840 says


  7. @jerlyntumpang84 says

    25 thank you

  8. @ygnakumarsv says

    Answer for 26 is 15:30 .. It is mentioned as 3 which is wrong. Needs correction

  9. @sunpreetkaur8483 says

    This is not an exact format for real exam
    Plz add McQ

  10. @anureet_1710 says


  11. @Garrybawa2881 says

    thats not a real pattern which comes in exam ….. i got 33 out 40 .but the bachground sounds was distrubing me more …… please don:t practice this test for new one ….

  12. @dishabuckal3225 says

    got 30/40

  13. @dieutuenghiem04 says


  14. @navjotsingh414 says

    I scored 33/40 but some of your answers are wrong.

  15. @anasschannel3909 says

    28/40 thank you for all listenings and others very helpfull

  16. @HoaBui-hv1dm says

    9/40 =))loud sounds from surrounding environment + unengaged. That's great! =))

  17. @Braryugvinder says


  18. @nayandhameliya3711 says

    It is right or wrong speaker speaks, 24 hour times and 12 hours time . Though, and will came 16:00. But I wrote 4:00 pm.

  19. @nayandhameliya3711 says

    I think it was easy. But it was tricky.

  20. @prabhgill5144 says

    although I got 40/40 but it was not a good test and out of pattern of real exam

  21. @jannatunnayem3208 says

    Alhamdulillah 33/40
    I think my listening is improving day by day

  22. @PhuongVu-ee9ex says

    The voice of the secretary is like Dakota Jonhson :vv

  23. @varghesejohn9205 says


  24. @aurelio7894 says


  25. @maimoonafatima2736 says

    With the speed of 1.5x I score 38/40.pls any one tell me how much speed should I keep n listen the audio. And 12 answer is 4 words it's not possible boz in that heading its not mention the word count. Pls make little hard same like real exam.

  26. @poletorjuelagomez3503 says

    I got 33 good answers: 7.5

  27. @김민수-r5x says


  28. @maximkayarosh2316 says

    sorry but i think in answer number 26 have wrong answer, instead 15;00 the answer correct is 15;15

  29. @maximkayarosh2316 says

    This is conversation terrible. The answers are out of order. Because of this, I constantly got confused

  30. @gurmeetsingh2519 says


  31. @praadeeprao2073 says


  32. @aminulsvlog1827 says

    my score is 23

  33. @khurshidaenglish2647 says


  34. @Jap_and_Toni says

    36/40.. I just follow the directions 🙂

  35. @fuat.kaya. says


  36. @tankilo4878 says


  37. @rohitsuryawanshi2229 says

    Speed of communication between two people are the same in the real exam also? It feels this audio was slower than the real exam. Can anyone correct me?

  38. @bhavyangmehta1345 says

    Thank you so much for creating this channel for learners. I got 7 band by practicing thru your tests. really sppreaciate 🙏

  39. @navjotkaur-ex1td says

    In ques, 35..they asked tick one relevant option.. In answer they have given so many… Overall it's good

  40. @freewifi6229 says

    Do the answer have to match exactly like for question 27 the answer in the answer key was "Football" and I wrote "Football Match" then is my answer wrong ?
    For question 21 the answer is "Film" and I wrote "Movie" then is my answer incorrect ?

  41. @fakename2229 says

    IELTS does not test articles!

  42. 35 +nice lunch.

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