The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil
At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @advzaheerzaidi2291 says

    It was too hard, I got only 21/40

  2. @manisa-y2y says


  3. @sarojadhikari2844 says

    26 on 1.5 x
    I found part 3 difficult

  4. @soneepanday4289 says

    Nice for additional thing, for task. Please continue to do it..

  5. @riturajsharma8763 says

    30 out of 40

  6. @meghsingh5952 says

    I got 22 😭only..

  7. @LamNguyen-gt2wc says

    26/40 ( part 4 somehow really easy:)

  8. @sajolmahamud7182 says

    available any pdf?

  9. @attttt4439 says
  10. @baljeetkaursidhu-zt4ph says

    I got 34

  11. @Desi-fit-dost says

    I got 30😮 it's so easy compare to others

  12. @mederrayimbekov97 says

    I got 40/25 , there some mistakes 😢 that i did , i hear all the thing at the part 4 , but have mistakes : not "agro-cultural" , " burley" , " polutre","rell-way" …… 10/true only 8 ….

  13. @Jahnavi_grover says

    I don’t understand how come answer 4 and 5 is A and B I thought it’s A and C , also 9 and 10 were confusing too I marked opposite I did C and B when the answer was B and C How some please clear that
    Another thing in question 19 there was no sentence related in India ( they were talking about Ancient Greece, Europe and other part of turkey )
    And question 20 omg those images were so painful and threatening I mean maps weren’t confusing enough but those pictures exceeded my expectations.

    Weirdly this is the very first time I scored so poor in section B and D man that was tough

  14. @BobyBhatti-c7w says

    I got 33/40

  15. @trashanjeet5619 says


  16. @heenakhan6696 says


  17. @shohruhyuldashov7295 says

    It was in real exam?
    But it is really essay especially part 4 omg

  18. @prabjotkaur4909 says

    27 (6.5) Bands

  19. @k2cmoin says

    25/40…this is my first day….

  20. @carloocarraro8829 says

    I don't consider this listening practise have the same format of the exam

  21. @preetdhindsa5995 says

    Final exam level is this type of.. Listening

  22. @Sandeepkaur-nk9bv says

    I got 34 /40

  23. @kbkb4820 says

    I got 29😊bt it was too difficult 🥴as compared to those type of listening that I do on myy daily basis 🙄

  24. @mdshawon6430 says

    The answer has flaws (5)

  25. @Foodwithmel402 says

    I got 24/40

  26. @lhakpasherpa6990 says

    I got 25 out of 40

  27. @babeauty227 says

    I think there was a problem between 8-10.i didnt understand anything😢😢

  28. @BDREVIEW360 says


  29. @nehalmateen2148 says


  30. @VidyaRajbanshi-hm6tn says


  31. @Preet-Brar2004 says

    Can i achieve 6.5 bands without practices at home in 3 months and regular join the institute 😢

  32. @Preet-Brar2004 says

    When i do study at home i easily get bored and play some online games 😢 what can i do

  33. @noobesextra5007 says


  34. @berly7528 says

    why is 21 answer B and not A? the speakers mentioned that people 'think' they're easy and become lazy about listening.
    Also for questions 17-20, india was never mentioned once for 19 to be answered.

  35. @bimalajaishi says

    30 /40

  36. @ThienNguyen-pd5fc says

    I did not understand the orders of some sentences, such as 8, 9, and 10. I have to how to answer them

  37. @GouravKumar-h4r says

    14 out of 40

  38. @sumbalbilal6598 says

    Babycode kisi na try kiya

  39. @safaelhassan3430 says

    16/40 because of the Indian accent😢

  40. @shahdedkeidk1436 says

    how comes part 4 is the easiest!

  41. @AjokeOla-pm2cz says


  42. @UttamChauhan-j9q says

    32 in 1.25x

  43. @huyenthanh616 says


  44. @Jonkhan827 says

    Maybe the IELTS exam don't follow this pattern

  45. @ajrajevin7781 says

    Too much difficult

  46. @modhafermabrouki599 says

    i need more concentration

  47. @helenhenley-v2i says

    The answers are not correct. I ve already had some parts in other listening samples on your channel. For example 21 is AD . The same correct answer is stated in other videos where that interview (part 3) comes up.

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