The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @saymajahan5660 says

    Hard one.25 on 1.5 speed

  2. @birengandhi87 says

    33. However some questions asked to circle the letter. Answer key has marked 2 answers. Instructions and model answers doesn't go well.

  3. @gauthamv4408 says

    37/40… did quite well…

  4. @OnkarSingh-mn9mi says

    I got 32

  5. @MrAyberkcolak says


  6. @jeswinmathew9494 says

    21/40 good test

  7. @gurjaapsingh603 says


  8. @tammnasuraiya669 says


  9. @iamacoolbratt says


  10. @hmws1979 says

    Very Tricky

  11. @astroboy2663 says

    It is not the type of hockey we need. If the task is to circle a correct answer, it must be an answer, but nor answers

  12. @dmooore says

    30/40…I don’t think this is real pattern of the test, generally last part of listening has 10 questions. Correct me if I am wrong….

  13. @vavareva6076 says

    5.5 :((( can i improve to 7.0 in a month ?

  14. @joexiong562 says

    could you tell me how you answer the section one.
    im a little bit shocked by this style. and sometimes its hard to write down the correct words .i dont think this test is meaningful. so damn awful.

  15. @yvettekoonjojo says


  16. @sujiththummala1252 says


  17. @mustafarimaz4463 says

    Tough one, 28 , Thank you for uploading

  18. @omsoo1257 says


  19. @shil1175 says


  20. @maximkayarosh2316 says

    question number 27 unreal to write answer

  21. @maximkayarosh2316 says


  22. @ramakanthk8783 says


  23. @evaeva3174 says


  24. @akinsebikanayodele5196 says

    I think number 21 is southeast coast india

  25. @betitosan says


  26. @im2good4u34 says

    This test was different, I got 21.

  27. @kapouchoi7529 says


  28. @huongthanh3075 says

    29. How strange the form is

  29. @prabhgill5144 says

    37 /40

  30. @hiteshaparnathi8674 says

    25 done it

  31. @Canadiandreamzz says

    35.. not bad..

  32. @mugdhagoyal1071 says

    In Q39, I wrote '1868' but the answer says 'In 1868' and similarly in Q35, I wrote '1887' and the answer says 'In 1887'. What all have you marked for these two questions? Will they mark it wrong in the exam?

  33. @angelhighlight5154 says

    Guys if they say not more than two words or A number
    Why in the answer I see 8-10•c? That’s two numbers
    Can someone give me an insight

  34. @manpreetkaur7078 says

    I do this first time and its difficult

  35. @jannatunnayem3208 says

    28 alhamdulillah

  36. @fuat.kaya. says

    25 / 40

  37. @zainmalik3922 says

    I got 34 Alhamdulillah

  38. @_afaq says

    35/40 yay me

  39. @fakename2229 says

    Poor audio quality!

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