The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil
At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @kingadvisor0 says

    I got 31 whatever last half one is missing
    Its good for everyone to practice more

  2. @PrincesDiana8966 says

    I got 28 out of 35

  3. @PrincesDiana8966 says

    Section two was very tough

  4. @yasinsjourney says

    As it is not full till the end, I got 34 out of 35. By the way thanks a lot for practise listening test)

  5. @tangueppossi1951 says

    Hello I have 23/40 on my first try. Thanks a lot for this daily exams.

  6. @Sandy_Cobbs says


  7. @genesisgold2444 says


  8. @satriadisirajuddin says

    I got right 23 from 35

  9. @arginderkaur says


  10. @Letswatch24out4 says

    Its very easy now bcz now i no need to do lol

  11. @ilovekuromijung says

    I got 31/35 for the 1st time, thanks😂

  12. @sumitsingh-es7yo says

    Questions 36 to 40 .????

  13. @mannisidhu93 says


  14. @mogal.choru33 says


  15. @FayazKhan-by8cf says


  16. @nishantrangra3599 says

    There is no audio for questions 35-40

  17. @kummariaruna5611 says

    36to 40missing radio

  18. @mannatgill5737 says


  19. @BhupinderSINGH-id2tm says

    34/40. U can search audio last questions 36-40 also.

  20. @kxlalisaxk8234 says

    First try. 30/35.

  21. @prabhjotdhaliwal695 says

    I got 29/35 Thanks for uploading listening daily

  22. @nellytesa7516 says

    34 out of 35. I wish all were this easy

  23. @Lama-ei6jb says


  24. @ucuberei says

    i got 32/35 in first try! im so proud of myself, my skills are getting better day by day thank u!

  25. @ramanpreet2311 says

    no audio for 36 to 40 question

  26. @ashu6806 says


  27. @anmolsharma4778 says

    thanks for giving us this test video but this is not full video, in part 4 36-40 audio is not given

  28. @officialarshsanghu734 says

    I got 30 out of 35 in first attempt because of missing 5 questions from 36 to 40.

  29. @sandeepkaur-mt2ug says


  30. @thekavilaful says

    With the missing portion from questions 36-40, I got 30 out of 35..
    Kindly try to put clear images on all sections, some of the images and maps are too faint and some of us do practice using our mobile phones, where the faint images can't be read clearly.

    All the same thanks for the opportunity

  31. @smilemama2831 says


  32. @sofiasharma9563 says

    Got 30 out of 35

  33. @zubeenpatel5234 says

    30 questionnaire are reported twice with earlier part

  34. @мёдик-р7л says

    Thank you so much I got 33/35. But I don’t understand the third part, where it doesn’t say that we can use letters more than once at the 28,29,30 questions 🤧 If I knew it, I could get 1 point + 😂

  35. @vinayvyas551 says

    I got 26 out of 35

  36. @jaskaransingh4877 says

    I got 34/35 ❤️

  37. @instantmotivation2775 says

    Easy one

  38. @Kelzang567 says

    How about 35-40?

  39. @TaranTravel says


  40. @TaranTravel says

    for answer 15, I wrote 'produce shop' instead of 'fresh produce'. How to determine this kind off answer ? any help , how did you chose ?

  41. @minds_unchained says

    30/35 for the first time

  42. @Sajedatanvu says

    36-40 where??

  43. @hoangthong8160 says

    30/40 thanks

  44. @FahadAli-ot2ip says


  45. @shinaarj7851 says

    isn't the answer of 31 locations?

  46. @yerbolbekbolat says


  47. @ismailsarker-rf3dx says

    what the** where are the option for 36 to 40???? 27 out of 35.

  48. @IamChiragBhatt says

    QUETIONS 36 TO 40 , missing?

  49. @matejsedlak4216 says

    suspiciously easy

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