The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @abilashrajan4851 says


  2. @alinabolatova7447 says


  3. @rosanaanoroperez8768 says

    16/40 hart to me

  4. @kavithastuti says

    The voices is very confusing 😊

  5. @komalmanbiru1146 says


  6. @AmandeepKaur-ru7wh says

    Only 26 out of 40 in ist attempt

  7. @koredesotubo785 says

    I am certain number 7 says Alien Spacecraft and against AUFO or Alien Aircraft

  8. @md.riazhossain2412 says


  9. @monishachristian5160 says

    I got 35 in first attempt

  10. @simranmahi3828 says


  11. @ieltsindiaeasy7915 says

    First section is the hardest 😫

  12. @TrishiaMun says

    Qn, 7 is Alien Spacecraft. Qns 12 to 15 is very confusing.

  13. @animationdiary3513 says

    18) my ans: Hat (A Hat) would be correct?
    19 & 20 Can't I answer in any order?

  14. @rahuldeewan191 says

    Is this a real test ?

  15. @krishnanunnits5517 says

    Still only 36. Damn it!!!

  16. @aminasaidova128 says

    I think that the real exam will be easier than this one

  17. @فرحتدواخانہ says

    I got 13 out of 40,😢this one is my first attempt after a long time

  18. @eampoo27 says

    the voice is not clear aat all,hard

  19. @shaiyanhussain1065 says

    30/40 at first attempt🥲

  20. @sielerofa1855 says


  21. @Pankajkumar-bh1xq says

    23only very hard

  22. @sielerofa1855 says

    American be like : 🤨

  23. @methsaranadee806 says

    16 😭

  24. @hashi-bz4rp says

    28/40 need to practice more

  25. @entertainer5107 says

    This test is much harder ever i seen

  26. @Jelly923 says

    Thanks for your video!You are so kind!

  27. @Jelly923 says


    compilation n.编撰,汇编 sighting 亲眼所见 share a significant number of similarities present my own opinion accout 客户 a strong body of opinion 强有力的意见

    dismiss v.驳回,不考虑 distintegrate v.崩溃,瓦解 an overacitve imagination 过于活跃的想象力 leading bookstores领先的书店

    universe = planet eyewitness accounts目击证的叙述 term = that means

    a military[tri] base = an army installation n.军事设施 an overwhelming majority of

    unreliable /exaggerated夸大 information = no useful conclusion can be drawn 不能得出有用的结论

    capital b 指b大写 skeptical a.怀疑的 irrefurable a.无可辩驳的 objective a.客观的

    conspiracy theories 阴谋论 alien abduction 外星人劫持

    19 pounds 99 = 19.99

  28. @Jelly923 says

    the content of ABC option is easy.I mean there is no difficult vocabulary and grammar

  29. @Jelly923 says

    cabin 小木屋 front balcony 前面的阳台 unload 取下 reception 接待处

    brochure 小册子 take precautions 防范措施

    You’ve chosen to visit us in Jaunary, which is one of our hotter months.

    depart v.出发,背离

    takes you off the walking tracks = away from the walking tracks socks 袜子

    poisonous spiders wild berries浆果

  30. @urmilahussain5351 says


  31. @abbos- says

    24/35 🙁 I've done until 35

  32. @lekananguemelanie4749 says

    Really difficult 18/40

  33. @rajarora4919 says


  34. @netsaikaja5557 says

    18 hey this is very hard kkkk

  35. @sarahomojola4049 says

    Extremely difficult. I got 23/40.

  36. @sandeepmarothu8224 says

    Section 2 was not aligned properly & confusing

  37. @Jhallikudi_98 says

    I always got 20-25 out of 40.. god knows how i clear my exam 😒

  38. @rakibhassan9278 says

    How is the feature of Semi-detached houses "most common " and not "less expensive"??

  39. @HarjeetSingh-cs1pg says

    I got 27

  40. @shonethomas4263 says

    Thanks for the questions

  41. @sache3694 says

    Whats the need of that bgm in stating?

  42. @desiiinamerica says

    Got 21 in 1.25 speed ,,,this was kindda difficult 😣

  43. @RS-wp7lt says

    35/40. Bit tricky questions.

  44. @ronakprajapati7708 says

    Got only 30 right!

  45. @anagomzaxxx says

    21/40 it was hard

  46. @ayazhanasylbekovna9687 says

    16 /40 😢

  47. @begzodmuminov481 says

    That's well but very rigorous

  48. @aaaamp says

    22/40.really difficult

  49. It's too hard

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