The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @karandeepgoraya says

    I got 30/40 in first attempt which help me a lot to crack my desire goal .. 😍😍

  2. @malikafarmonova9560 says


  3. @epicexperiencess says

    I got 35 out of 40 in first attempt ✌️

  4. @tariqjan8320 says

    I got a 30 Raw score, Which is equal to how much a Band Scores? Can someone please tell me?

  5. @anudeepRai21 says

    I. Got 35 out of 40 in first time

  6. @kirandeepdhillon3538 says


  7. @elfrekhotello1385 says

    it's so easy , however i got 30 marks , i should work more on my listening skills . thanks πŸ₯°

  8. @kennysensei4065 says


  9. @ameyaaken5080 says

    Where are answers

  10. @chungditshering1227 says

    Got 34. Could've scored 36 if I hadn't got lost 😫

  11. @sachin6104 says

    Got 34 thankyou for this video

  12. @ashishkumar-kp6ii says

    40out of 40 πŸ‘

  13. @nishavarghese7479 says


  14. @GurkiratSingh-ki7vr says

    I got 22

  15. @stutithakkar1327 says

    I got 36.

  16. @franciscakerubo4366 says

    Scored 37/40

  17. @jisnanazar9141 says


  18. @karimovalibek2326 says


  19. @aaaamp says

    27 /40 😬

  20. @vivianokei1334 says

    I can't find the answers

  21. @eldhongeorge9986 says

    Its not that much tough , i got 31 in 1st attempt

  22. @sheharyararif110 says


  23. @nicolechan1038 says

    first 40

  24. @priyankabharwal4099 says

    amazing,…. 34/40
    you guys are increasing my confidence…..

  25. @purwababy says

    Could any one tell please….IELTS ke real exam me isi level ka test aata hai ya is se hard

  26. @aktab9 says

    Are these test comparable to real tests? I got 35 in first try. Don't give me false hope now.

  27. @asadsardaar9534 says

    Very easy Got 32/40 😊

  28. @deb_orah690 says


  29. @bornat25 says

    do we have to add pound symbol in the answer or 3500 is fine????????

  30. @nekharaju402 says


  31. @rupaliarora2002 says

    I didn't understand question 21 to 26.

  32. @sarbjitsingh2145 says

    I got 33 marka

  33. @DdarlingTV89 says

    part 1 10/10
    part 2 10/10
    part 3 4/10
    part 4 7/10

    total 31/40. more room for improvement.

  34. @jithujoseph6396 says


  35. @gyels2011 says

    This is easy. I don't think easy like the above would come in a real exam.

  36. @intuition6675 says

    IELTS speaking partner (aiming to score at least a band score of 8 or higher) required for speaking practice. Interested fellows can buzz me through a comment here, please.

  37. @mercyagyemang6303 says

    Got 32

  38. @sprinkletinny says

    I got 29 with 11 & 40no. spelling mistakes πŸ™

  39. @jassidhillon-hd1it says


  40. @iamchloe2810 says

    31/40. Thank you so much!
    11. Is β€œsummary” without β€œa” acceptable?

  41. @khushboosaini993 says

    I got 31 oit of 40

  42. @amerkhan6404 says


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