IELTS Speaking | IELTS Best Speaking Cue Card 2021


IELTS Speaking is a face-to-face, informal discussion with an IELTS examiner, and is the same for both Academic and General Training. The test is divided into 3 parts and is designed to test your pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary.
For the IELTS Speaking section of your IELTS exam, you are given 1 minute by the examiner to prepare yourself to talk about a specific topic. This topic will be called a cue. The cue card topic, as well as for instructions about the topic, is written as a guide.
IELTS Speaking | IELTS Best Speaking Cue Card 2021


  1. @ramanpreetkaur7600 says

    Vry NYC 6.5band she deserves

  2. @Gaurav_Sharma3112 says

    Longest ielts cue speaker. Guiness we have a world record here

  3. @damibayode6651 says

    She did well

  4. @BTSARMY-jd1dt says

    Is this new cue card plz tell me

  5. @jmgaming8869 says

    Di de kene band aye ne??

  6. @sreejithsreelal2756 says

    I didn't understand the topic any one pls clarify it.

  7. @pronoy3222 says

    Her talk seems she is telling by memorizing

  8. @sandygill1686 says

    Sir where are you from

  9. @banoawan4098 says

    Nice keep it up

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