IELTS Speaking Test Band 6.0 – New Speaking Interview


IELTS SPEAKING TEST BAND 6.0 WITH NEW RULE 2021 FULL INTERVIEW IELTS Speaking Test Sample Full Speaking Interview.
Real Speaking Interview
New Speaking Interview
Speaking Test For IELTS
Online Speaking Test
Speaking In 2021
Full Speaking Test
Real IELTS Speaking test 2021



  1. @deepcheema33 says

    Well done

  2. @bansal1497 says

    Sir, ki pronunciation hi bohot badia hai students ki apne aap khraab honi hi haiπŸ˜‘

  3. @chrisaxis5043 says

    Is this examiner qualified enough to take IELTS tests? Because it doesn't seem like he is.

  4. @manrajgill3160 says

    Is it real test

  5. @gurinderattal7720 says

    i think she is near to 6.5

  6. @amarjettkaur1491 says

    Sir u no send me please

  7. @Facts.152 says

    She should get 6.5 bands in speaking but she must get 9 bands for her beauty n sweetness πŸ€ͺπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

  8. @chessmagic5300 says

    Huhu huhu huhu kya karta hai re? Thoda formally baat karna , ye disrespected lagta hai

  9. @gaganjeetsingh7915 says

    she deserves 5.5+

  10. @jashanvirk683 says

    I got 13 band πŸ˜…

  11. @sukhveersidhu7292 says

    Is this real test ?

  12. @widowmaker0072 says

    She have good ideas and she is able to form sentences properly but the only problem I can see is the expressions ,she should work on her expressions

  13. @pradiprauniyar6367 says

    One can't use "moreover" in speaking

  14. @ethanstewart2536 says

    Her figure Desire 7+

  15. @jatinrana1011 says

    She can do more good but the real thing is confidence she is lacking so do I .

  16. @AbhishekSingh-js1gu says

    She deserves 6.5 band

  17. @TR_video says

    5.5 band

  18. @teachnation123 says

    Not good enough only got 5.5 band form my perspective

  19. @meetmm2142 says

    She deserve 5:5 because of self correction

  20. @SunnyKumar-kw6pm says

    Listen , I asked a question …. This video is original ilets xam .

  21. @parmindertoor8691 says

    Hmm hmm hmm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  22. @gudiashrestha8175 says

    These memorized answers won't even get 5 bands πŸ™„

  23. @SaiKumar-od7fe says

    This examiner should get 1 band score

  24. @sonukaur001 says

    a lot og grammer mistakkss i think 5 bands

  25. @Chahalz295 says

    Aa bhai ja Angrej Ta Ni Lagda πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  26. @HarjitSandhu-v9u says

    Just try to watch video for motivation and knowledge …. it's not good to judge candidate …

  27. @bhajansingh6674 says

    Her cue card is very good

  28. @alibutt8318 says

    Academic/ I have got 5.5 bands overall and 6.5 in speaking, its enough for me but these bands that i've got! its not good and its just because i went for the test without sleep and without any restπŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸ»
    if somebody is reading my comment and he/she wanna good bands! i would like to say that just dont panic or take stress please but if you feel any stress! just keep your hand at your heart and say to yourself! IM PAYING THEM FOR THIS ALL, THEY DID NOT PAY TO ME SO CALM DOWN AND JUST SPEAK EVEN NORMAL AND LOOK AT HIS EYES WHILE THE TEST I MEAN EYE CONTACT ITS VERY IMPORTANT UMMM AND YAH DRESSING IS ALSO IMPORTANT AND MOVE YOUR HANDS ALSO WHILE YOU ARE TALKING SOMETHING.

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