1. _Ak_ 47_ says

    Today is my speaking

  2. MR says

    lots of time she used vast word

  3. Nakul Budhathoki says


  4. Naznin Diwan says

    in cue card she used her and his both for grandfather..otherwise she used sufficient vocab but no intonation and its like unnatural speaking…its just my poin of view

  5. Shaxzod Sadullaev says


  6. Prachi Dahake says

    Abe Bhenchod itna loud music


    This almost sounded bihearted and as if the examiner will end the test if there is an pause😅😅

  8. Ohemeng Nketiah Gideon says

    Any comment from the examiner?

  9. jatt says

    She got 7 band easily

  10. Kapil Mehta says

    She is reading answers on screen behind examiner, see her eyes moving left to right 🙂 we use to Rattafy exams like this 😀

  11. Aayaner Ayna says

    She deserve better score

  12. Karan_ Kumar says

    Pronunciation sounds like it's poor


    Looks like scripted

  14. yash kohad says

    Seems scripted 🙂

  15. copy right says

    she did great but is it a memorizing test or something?

  16. Wild pro says

    Totally scriptd😂😂😂

  17. DC Amarjeet singh says

    Sounds good

  18. copy right says

    But she won't be getting more than 6.5 ,since i have taken ielts 2 times ,it's not the right way of responding

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