The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.

As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @kanchanjoshi683 says

    6.5 band

  2. @doratandoh4728 says

    34/40. The answers to question 17 and 18 should be rechecked. It seems quite confusing!

  3. @danishaazman6443 says

    Can i ask what the 'new format' is different from the old one? I cant seem to place a difference😅

  4. @vipinmane9297 says

    The advertisements really make lose our concentration !

  5. @ahmedabdulahiomar709 says

    I got 32/40

  6. @dhrumilparekh6096 says

    What is answer of 31 question

  7. @vaibhavchauhan4854 says

    Btw my simple trick
    Don't count ur ri8 ans just count wrong nd try to minimize that.

  8. @rohitchaudhary4644 says

    Got 31 out of 40

  9. @harmankaur3584 says


  10. @kinnuindiaeurope2206 says

    I got 22 got 40 nd morning in my exm 😁😁😁i need only 5 band each

  11. @sivasaichandra9679 says

    7.5 ,


  12. @ujwalshetty8998 says

    Thanks guys. I am ever indebted to your videos in listening. Got my results – i got 8.5 in listening. And the others I managed are 8 in speaking, 9 in reading and 7 in writing.

  13. @Noor-hf9ih says

    got 7.5

  14. @harshamachine_learning7831 says

    Please provide more and more MCQ practice test as MCQ are the harder part
    This is a nice Multiple choice question IELTS practice test

  15. @RaviNayak-qf6uj says

    31 outof 40

  16. @kiransandhu9734 says

    21 should be 3 years

  17. @dhhs1498 says

    where are you taking these tests from ?

  18. @danomfragsal5882 says

    I got 30 out of 40

  19. @kantadevi5407 says


  20. @glinjithin211 says


  21. @sweetescapee8507 says

    I got 33/40 but I guess there are some answers that uploader must try to review ..

  22. @manuunnikrishnan8955 says

    32 c…. 17 th 18 th qn confusion

  23. @abb9423 says

    17-B and 18-A

  24. @technicprince5011 says

    i secured 32 … i wanna reach till 8 bands … 35 must be correct

  25. @anoopbatth8551 says

    I got 26/40 .. but mcq's was little tough 🤗

  26. @mariomaro5592 says

    31//40 hard one

  27. @gurrii294 says


  28. @hikaru8050 says

    #18 should be B and not A

  29. @satyatejaswi6710 says


  30. @anasbedraoui3520 says

    26 it's a bit challenging !

  31. @heidil8887 says

    17 i think the right answer is A?

  32. @konstantinv3792 says

    Where is 31 in answers ?
    18 – B
    21 – three YEARS

  33. @Muneeb_GTR says

    You guys deserves much more than a LIKE

  34. @kth735 says

    Hurrah first time scored 37🤭

  35. @shiyuliu2875 says


  36. @RaviSharma-vu6rr says

    29 out of 40

  37. @sharonsanthosh1285 says

    25 out of 40

  38. @manusagoo1622 says


  39. @masudurrahman4949 says


  40. @jahidsheikh6531 says


  41. @lyho1205 says

    Answer 31?

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