The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions
while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @sampdadubey3759 says

    Practising Ielts listening test regularly this one is my first test where I have received the 39/40 answers are accurate.

  2. @mandipvlog3159 says

    38 out of 40

  3. @noahguinto6960 says

    Ive got 27 score compare in the past month that was before ive got only 11 to 18 score range but now on im a little bit improve.. thanks God

  4. @mdarfat7912 says

    Oh my Allah!25

    I got25 out of 40 I am improving

  5. @ReetKaur6463 says

    I got 37/40

  6. @amneetkaur8172 says


  7. @chennymaellamas634 says

    I"ve got 30/40 more practice for im very difficult for the diagram or Map tasks

  8. @anjalidalal5799 says

    I have got 40/40.I hope I will get this score in my real exam too.thanks

  9. @lovelovepreet2610 says

    I got 35/40 at 1.25x speed. Really thank u sir for these videos

  10. @bdvipers6043 says

    wow, I got 36 out of 40 anyway this test was quiet easy lol.

  11. @saritaadhikari56 says

    How to convert obtained marks to overall band.
    I'm new

  12. @bebinanepali3766 says

    I got 38/ 40 my exam on march 12 wish me a luck 🤞🤞🤞

  13. @lkm6254 says

    Where i can found script?

  14. @SandeepKaur-su4it says

    Plz try to add long mcq 🙏

  15. @dnyaneshchaudhari5394 says


  16. @marajulislam1291 says

    33/40, tough map task and have to improve in this area

  17. @islombekmirsalimov4106 says

    Can someone explain to me how to do the map part? Because i do not understand if the map is shown horizontally or vertically, and did the answers come in order or not?

  18. @deep.52 says


  19. @Itslikeus says

    35 with 1.25 X speed

  20. @ManpreetKaur-kx7tb says

    Got 35/40

  21. @kapiljeswani5745 says

    Do we get hints in maps because it's too complecated

  22. @devilyt94 says

    Wow first time ever I got 36/40 that's really surprising to me❤️

  23. @zelmzychix5129 says

    Got 36 to ths test. The map is confusing tho

  24. @sehrishmalik5213 says


  25. @mukundabhatt9590 says

    Wow, i got 37 out of 40 .I hope I will get this score in my real exam too thanks for providing that types of videos us.Thanks a lot sir.

  26. @dhruvpatel4191 says

    33 out of 40…😅7.5 wahhh

  27. @syedahmed131 says

    29/40 the audio was easy but part 4 was a bit tricky

  28. @akshamim1792 says

    First Tim I got 25..I m very weak in listening

  29. @sanjeeladangol8182 says

    I got 25 out of 40

  30. @merziameintjies2596 says


  31. @gaggighuman2100 says

    I got 38 first time

  32. @2010cyril says

    Got 32 for the first time 😊

  33. @okolifamily9041 says

    please I don't understand the map

  34. @haiyen4250 says

    32 thousand ? is it aceptable?

  35. @haiyen4250 says

    12 is main hall

  36. @kiranpunjabivlogging8853 says


  37. @gordhrumil8576 says

    Generally, I got around 20 but today after so much practice, I got 32/40.

    My practice will continue. 🤗

  38. @jasminejenibha3316 says

    Hi anyone please clarify my doubt. For shopping centre , which one is correct (center or centre)

  39. @nothingelsemisba7748 says

    I got 35/40

  40. @potterhary49 says

    34 bridge
    35 open
    36 going
    37 pool
    38 8
    39 attraction
    40 arms

  41. @potterhary49 says

    Student common
    Main hall
    Seminar room
    Teaching room

  42. @lpulyf3159 says

    Hlo dears my exam will be on 23 July 2022 plz suggest me some tips of speaking because my speaking is poor.. plz anybody

  43. @palwinderkaur7024 says


  44. @raisulahmed738 says

    35 out of 40

  45. @waqasali-zq3ro says


  46. @sandeepnandra_2587 says


  47. @RJSR_1234 says

    in my 1st attempt l got 27 but in 2nd l got 35

  48. @The_Player1cool says

    Map was challenging

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