The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @mallufoodiespala says

    Second try 37

  2. @olaideoyefeso9708 says

    i got 31

  3. @Amapiano-Mix-Dance says


    Thank you

  4. @navpreetkaur3619 says

    I got 37 out of 40 in first attempt at 1.25x speed

  5. @sarbjitsingh2145 says

    I got 27 marks

  6. @Anas-ky8hp says

    39/40, my only mistake was that I misspelled the word (retrieve).

  7. @sameerkandel4853 says

    25 mean?

  8. @janavalovicova2161 says


  9. @nikitarana7902 says


  10. @shaxnozanematillayeva5522 says

    This one was particularly easier compared to former ones 🤔, similar to Cambridge official version (they are mad easy), 2 mistakes from spelling, 1 mistake from writing the right answer but choosing another 😅 last 2 ones were cuz i couldn't hear them(was focused on other questions)

  11. says

    Thanks for daily listening practice

  12. @namratamaity255 says

    Got 33 in second attempt

  13. @GauravRatnu21 says

    Thank you
    35 on 40

  14. @ChroniclesofYore929 says

    36/40 in first attempt.
    for Q.9 the ans is "C"

  15. @VelikayaBoryba says


  16. @jashanpreetkaur863 says

    31/40 first attempt

  17. @maxwellboadi3718 says

    Please can someone help me with question 8

  18. @oforilinda5277 says

    Got 30

  19. @jesusito1987 says

    Q 15-20 are unintelligible , where is the river? where is the bridge ?

  20. @komalpreetkaur6325 says

    I got 30 in first attempt

  21. @Huu-dao998 says

    3 pr89p3
    5 2.5,1.25,1.2
    8 1800,900,300
    21 he is interesting thân funny
    22 several pages i don't think i had taken số many
    23 i was busy listening to what was being said that i did take many notes

  22. @ahmedobaid5887 says

    40 / 40
    In first attempt

  23. @Stellarc-137 says


  24. @anusharana4735 says

    Where are answers of 21-30

  25. @Rohit-zn6pm says

    I got 39/40 in first attempt

  26. @LeaYimkou says


  27. @prabhboparai767 says

    Merely 14/40

  28. @tejasitaliya8612 says

    5th one
    1.2 cm or 1.2 meters.

  29. @ayanokojikun667 says

    i ve got 33 today In this test Part 2 was a bit hard but i ve manage to score 33

  30. @garimasharma4511 says

    Shouldn't Q40. be 'more than 40%' instead of '40%?' As the woman says – a little better than 40%

  31. @stepbystep1569 says

    Only 21

  32. @stepbystep1569 says

    21/40 need improvement

  33. @rs_nurik says

    who knows 21 to 30 answers i can't find it please

  34. It was so wholesome how the episode ended and then seeing the restaurant was closed was like someone threw me a bucket of cold water

  35. @tumarisotamurodova7032 says


  36. @punjabipeople345 says

    I'm not satisfied with speaker from 17to 19 because 17 answer is e ok ND now the person is on the end next speaker said take left it means from beginning of map ?? How it can be possible 🙆?? He should say take right . If he was at end of map (17)

  37. @AsalKahani says

    How it gives 3000 pounds? I think it should be 1200 or 1800. please elaborate

  38. @camilacamila8456 says

    can someone explain about number 5 depth

  39. @ramanpreetkaur4429 says

    Can anyone tell how the total estimated amount in Q 8; is 3000 and Q9

  40. @zekiamiin6437 says

    15 out of 40 Damn.

  41. @TheRizzardo says

    I've got 36 out 40. The second part was a bit confusing though.

  42. @snt207 says

    Is this general ielts or academic ?

  43. @Raman-yl4dn says

    39 th answer is changed can also correct or not

  44. @bisayapayimo9045 says

    mostly of the comments got the highest score of 30 above how can you get that for the first attempt? it is unbelievable,, be honest sometimes to your self😀😀😀😀

  45. @graysum24 says

    This can’t be a real test. It’s full of spelling mistakes

  46. @sadiashetu2142 says

    These are fake i guess..
    Because i have this already on one of my practice book,same que..
    Then are the que reapeted for once more?

  47. @CEO1001 says


  48. @megangoudarzi7531 says


  49. @aaaamp says


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