IELTS Speaking Interview | BAND 7 | Full IELTS Speaking Test



Is Band 7 a good score in IELTS?
Your IELTS band scores decide the level of competence in the English language. It tells how much you understand English Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.

IELTS Speaking 5.5 Band Score –

IELTS Speaking 6.5 Band Score –

IELTS Speaking 7.5 Band Score –

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IELTS Band Score Skill Level
8 Very good Candidate
7 Good Candidate
6 Competent Candidate
5 Modest Candidate

Is IELTS 7 hard to get?
Image result for ielts 7 band
It is not impossible but it takes work. More realistic students tend to be around Band 6.5 and want a Band 7, In this case, their weak areas are easily fixed and they tend to have good vocabulary and grammar overall. What can be done? Set yourself a study schedule and stay on focus.

What happens if I get 7 in IELTS?
IELTS 7.0 is the ultimate goal for the majority of international students. To get selected for your dream university abroad, score well in the test. A score of IELTS 7.0 or 7.5 is evidence that your English is good enough to join any university across the globe, even elite Ivy League institutions.


  1. @cineminiexpress3136 says

    Seems he memorized and vomitting the answers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ not even he deserves 7 πŸ˜‚p

  2. @Dead-shot_gaming says

    As well as πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

  3. @tsk1007 says

    Everything is good but he often used the word β€œ as well as β€œ

  4. @drmirzazulekha6397 says

    mukhosto kore boltese.. ki disgusting

  5. @Indian_abc says

    Tommorow is my speaking exam, please pray for me😊

  6. @Indian_abc says

    Really bharti singh has done all?

  7. @pakistaaaaanzindabaaad4612 says

    Well, As well as Well, As well as Well, As well as- Well, As well as- Well, As well as- Well, As well as- Well, As well as
    He cant use different words like on the other hand – rather than – either . otherwise, he is excellent

  8. @Mehrab.bhuiyan says

    As well as i think deserve band 8 πŸ˜‚

  9. @nasim5106 says

    Wtf i think he deserves 8.5 /8

  10. @CRAZYGAMING-ok says

    1:28 moviej🀣🀣

  11. @mdferoz2960 says

    If he got 7 for this the examiner should have to take a test

  12. @dhavalparmar4472 says

    I believe that if he has not memorized the answers, the. He definitely deserves an 8.5 band, he made only 1 mistake and it's natural – he used "peoples"

  13. @muhammadmalik4242 says

    Examiners pronunciation and grammar is so weak,
    02:12 Where do you go for your last holidays?

  14. @devamshah325 says

    You can even talk about an imaginative person; as the examiner won't check with the facts.

  15. @kasem220 says

    He deserve more than 7

  16. @Sabreenabhattt says

    Tou I'd prefer foreign films πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  17. @GurtajSohal001 says


  18. @blackfurygamingyt4143 says

    ' Well I guess ' is repeatedly used

  19. @Tan-xb3wp says

    He has obviously memorized cue card question as he isn't even taking natural pauses (1-2 seconds which is acceptable) to think.

  20. @sshibi584 says

    If he’s 7, then I’m easily more than 7

  21. @rameenejaz1023 says

    Ok I actually am quite concerned cuz I got stuck in like one bullet point where I had a very long pause between my answer other than that the rest went quite okayish, for the cue card I think I spoke for around a minute. Other than that I had no grammatical or pronunciation errors so can someone tell me how much would I get

  22. @Adolf_Hitler_911 says

    From 1:24 to 1:45 A candidate is correcting examinerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"movijs"

  23. @AimanBabar-pu1xd says

    2:05 " to " ? It would b "So "πŸ˜…

  24. @krupabhatt1239 says

    What kind of cue card questions can be there?

  25. @gavinbannister4124 says

    'Describe a person who contributes to the society' should be 'describe a person who contributes to society' or even better 'describe a person who has contributed to society'…. I didn't know there could be grammar mistakes in the questions lol! When I heard this question '…the society' my first thought is "Which society?!?"

  26. @Jinx___p9 says

    Score depends on the interviewers

  27. @ifat_hassan says

    He deserve 7.5
    Reduce0. 5 for memorizing question πŸ˜‚

  28. @kanwardhoor4863 says

    The cue card answer is behind examiner…he is not looking in the eyesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  29. @sumitrathour6619 says

    i noticed people in comment are saying he deserve 8 or above but anybuddy noticed that when examiner asked him that ….what do you do with your last holiday ..his means he is talking about present future ,,,,,but he answered in past way ..that is the reason may be he didn't got 7 above and other was very good..and ya it is not scripted

  30. @raisulislam5692 says

    Very good.

  31. @raisulislam5692 says

    Cue Card is Very most Important. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

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