The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil
At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.


  1. @Mr.Nobody7495 says

    Hi anyone please reply
    I have a doubt on dates of IELTS
    I tried to register for the exam for the June or July
    But there are no dates for those months
    Will the dates be released after some time or what is it πŸ˜…

    Anyone help please

  2. @khalidbinibeahim says

    28 on 1at attempt.

  3. @shivanithakur1857 says

    I got 31 out of 40 in first attempt 😊

  4. @hireeni says

    I got 27 out of 40 in 1st attempt

  5. @martinmaati5127 says


  6. @raxmanzeynalov5657 says

    I could get 24 out of 40

  7. @bleedingsoulofficial says


  8. @paramjeetnagi5932 says

    37/40 lets goπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  9. @Reiza72Owened says


  10. @_-.-_261 says

    I answered Psychodrama instead of NO in no. 9

  11. @noranisa7435 says

    I got 36 for this mock. Hopefully will be same as the real test <3

  12. @sumanaroraarora7859 says

    I got 38 marks in ist attempt

  13. @hajajmohamed2000 says

    I got 33

  14. @EkremKaganCiftci says


  15. @talenteds says

    17/20 15/20 32/40

  16. @chidimmadechantel816 says


  17. @potterhary49 says

    60202,mcpherson, west way

  18. @potterhary49 says

    English litrature, media studies, psycho drama,

  19. @potterhary49 says


  20. @SaiBhaskarGaneshGandi says


  21. @Pushpa-hs2jg says


  22. @krishnaghodke5901 says

    35/40. Thanks for sharing this test content. ❀

  23. @sharpshooter2375 says

    I got 31/40 in my first attempt :]

  24. @nasrinhashi says

    31,32 answer A D .it may in any order. please any body let me know

  25. @bibekrawat2284 says


  26. @deepikatewari9257 says


  27. @SukhvirsinghCheema-xq9gq says

    Got 34/40 with 1×25 speed

  28. @md.ohidulislam9094 says

    I got 37 ……… Dammm….. frist time 😱

  29. @lasithathivanka392 says


  30. @kaur_nav1130 says

    I got 32/40 now my marks is improveπŸŽ‰β€

  31. @sunamsunil66 says

    can we write a symbol for pounds?@The IELTS Listening Test

  32. @miratuta8831 says


  33. @ayra2323 says


  34. @TamannaBegum-k1t says

    I got 5.5 . 😒😒

  35. @LiveCost says

    who passed real one , this on much easier ?

  36. @mimialasan9480 says

    I got 39πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  37. @bertrandphelines5049 says

    Was this exam general training??, I felt it very very very very very very very very very difficult. this is my third exam and first attempt I got 20/40, second 22/40 and today 04.11.2023 3.13Pm I just check my answer and I got 18/40, am so desperate. I felt that my brain doesn't work that much, they said practice make perfect but being in my shoes practice doesn't bring anything. any tips would be great. I read everyone's comments and see what they have achieved whereas me am still behind the line. my exam is behind the door (25 November 2023). I done the test more than 9 times now and that have cost me a lot of money.

  38. @dhurghamkareem5863 says

    I've got 35 out of 40
    I wish I could get the same score on my real exam in March.

  39. @meerzamanatali8914 says

    I got 36/40 which is equal to 8 band. Question 24-26 is so tricky.

  40. @madilkhan7 says

    I Correct 25 in first attempmt_πŸ˜”

  41. @MoniraParvin-v1e says

    Done, first time I got 37😊

  42. @amigajera9891 says


  43. @kausarbilim2200 says


  44. @gttvaji says


  45. @mdtuhin-n1c says


  46. @surensfun3099 says

    I got 31(7.0)

  47. @marwamohammed8818 says

    I got 30 out of 40 correct and my exam on 28 December

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