Free IELTS Academic Writing Practice Test With Answers & Timer ( Writing Task 1 & Task 2 )


Free IELTS Academic Writing Practice Test Answers Writing Task 1 & Task 2
The Academic Writing test is About 60 minutes long. There are two tasks. Candidates are required to write at least 150 words for Task 1 and at least 250 words for Task 2.

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IELTS Academic Task 1
You will be asked to describe some visual information graph – table – chart – diagram and to present the description in your own words. You may be asked to describe and explain data, describe the stages of a process, how something works or write about an object or event. You need to write 150 words in about 20 minutes.

IELTS Academic Task 2 You will be presented with a point of view, argument, or problem. You need to write 250 words in about 40 minutes.

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  1. @sardorergashev1415 says

    Unique and valuable release! Perfect for controlling the time management!

  2. @preetsohal8671 says

    Hlo madam 🙏🏻

  3. @gurjungsingh6764 says

    Hlo mam and thankw for writing video and this video is gud for me and mam please do not play background music in further writing videos .

  4. @shivalisingh1242 says

    Please make videos for general IELTS topics reading and writing

  5. @amitarora3011 says

    God bless you.u r helping us to crack ielts successfully😊

  6. @fartanbish9029 says

    Plzzz do for us general ielts

  7. @anishashrestha6467 says

    Academinc reading tests too… please!!

  8. @RajasthaniCoupleInCanada says

    Please make videos for IELTS general writing test

  9. @entertainmentchannel7128 says

    Wrting material send

  10. @entertainmentchannel7128 says

    Make writtng videos

  11. @sherinrose6768 says

    I reckon you should stop background music😐

  12. @ravneetkaur4439 says

    Thank you mam pls make more videos on academic writing task

  13. @achujanemary6890 says

    Background music so annoying 🤦‍♂️, can’t even concentrate

  14. @gaganjyotsingh9199 says

    I thought the sample answers must be in high vocab

  15. @miracle6038 says

    Is it difficult to pass Academic IELTS on 6.5 points?

  16. @roohibaig5926 says

    How can you put music track while the timer is on?? Students can’t concentrate 😲

  17. @1759shoe says

    Remove the background music and this would be perfect

  18. @xtyakpan478 says

    Pls how do I access to download n print to practice with

  19. This task 2 model answer looks like the writer is blabbing

  20. @abdullahkhair8853 says

    that "VE ARE" hits so hard hahahahha

  21. @kitkamanji854 says

    More academic writting videos like this pls

  22. @cyrilpalomo1667 says

    Thank you …. from Philippines

  23. @donroc6964 says

    I appreciate your effort , but for me it would be better without background music

  24. @TomiwaAdegbola says

    Thanks for this video.

  25. @rbali123 says

    Can you please review my answers
    Task 1:
    The two pie charts illustrate spending of a government on Arts in the year 1995 and 2005. In addition, the bar chart depicts the involvement of public in Arts events in the same years.

    Overall, it is observed that spending was significantly reduced between 1995 and 2005 on areas like Visual Arts and Music. Whereas funding towards Theatre was almost doubled during these years. Interestingly, we can also see that the corresponding participation of people in these activities was not in synchronization with the funds allocated by the government.

    Between 1995 and 2005, spending on Visual Arts and Music saw a drastic drop of around 50% and 30% respectively. During the same time, money spent towards Theatre was almost doubled, while Literature funding was unimpacted.

    Looking at the bar-chart representing public involvement in Arts, it is seen that the number of people participating in Visual Arts slightly decreased between the period. On the contrary, rest of the areas show a common trend of an increased involvement, although by a small margin. Of all the areas, Music shows the best results with number of people rising from almost 120,000 to more than 150,000.

  26. @ajayivictoria2920 says

    Thanks for this vedio

  27. @ajayivictoria2920 says

    Thanks for this vedio

  28. @ajayivictoria2920 says

    Thanks for this video

  29. @globalllc3424 says

    that was very good and thank you very much

  30. @waleedsarwar5337 says

    The music is not allowing me to concentrate.

  31. @diolaanthony2374 says

    Amazing! But its hard to explain. HAHAHA. But aleast we have idea how I do on my exam. Thank you. Daily review. I have 2 months preparation for my final exam. I hoped atleast got 5. Beacause I know its to understand. Wish me luck. Thank you. Cool backgroud music🤣

  32. @michaelgwashawanhu8740 says

    succesful asses (essays)

  33. @nikhilsony7668 says

    I mean will they ask to write about information from both the pie chart and bar chart for task 1

  34. @BenDover-fo5os says

    The line graph illustrates the budget the government dedicates for culture and eduction in the years 1995 and 2005 separetly. From what we can notice, the amounts are slightly altered in some way or another, it has either increased or significantly recuced.

    In the year 1995, the goverment spent the most on music, reaching about 150 thousand. Following that is visual arts, staying relatively close at 120 thousand, approximately. The government spent the less for literature in that year.

    Years later, in 2005, the amount spent on music didn’t remain the highest, and it was almost equal to theater, which had been way less previously. When comparing the rest, visual arts and literature, they both also kept their difference gap small, barely reaching 20/30 thousand respectively.
    To sum up, the government didn’t stay consistent with any statistics throughout the two years.

  35. @gavev1996 says

    It is often argued that internet, having changed the way we live and our economy, is the main cause of the weakening of the differences in how the people think and behave. From my prospective, despite being true that the world is more homogenized than before, I believe that there are still deep differences that internet cannot eliminate but, in some case, can also be exacerbated by it.

    It is common point of view that internet is accelerating the globalization of the planet and that all the countries and, along with them, the people are becoming very similar one to each other. Even if is true that a lot of individuals are influenced by social media to buy the same products, to dress in the same way or to listen the same music, we should not forget that this thing can be referred mainly to western countries only. There are still other big parts of the planet where internet is not diffused in the same way as in most developed countries, that maintain and defend their local identities, cultural heritages and values. I think that the western countries inhabitants have the propensity to generalize and consider the tendencies and habits within their area as universal for all the planet.

    Another thing to take in consideration is that today’s internet, mainly dominated by social networks, is not programmed to eliminate the differences in the way the users think. For instance, social networks have algorithms that foster the creation of eco-chambers of opinions in which people are induced to hear only what they are used to hear, in this way is more plausible than users would spend more time on the platform. Consequently, there are often extreme polarizations in the points of view that increase the differences between parties that have opposite political believes, as recently happened during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    In conclusion, I think that is true that internet had speeded up globalization and that numerous people are influenced into acting and thinking in the same way. Nonetheless, I believe that we should not generalize western tendencies to all the planet remembering that there are other parts of the world that seem immune to the globalization so far, furthermore the way social networks work encourages different points of view instead of eliminating them.

  36. @shortsadda9609 says

    Thx for this video mam

  37. @susanmugo6570 says

    Background music is quite annoying🤔

  38. @svm555 says

    The task 2 essay is a bad example and will only score about 5. The purpose of the essay is to answer the question '"To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion that internet turns the world into global village where everyone think and behave the same way". There is no response to this question within given essay at all. Although essay is coherent, grammatically right and use good vocabulary, it doesn't answer the question! Instead, author says that internet is a positive step forward and bla bla bla.

  39. @monicavasant1848 says

    The chart provides information about one's government spending on visual arts, theatre, music, and literature in the years 1995 and 2005. It also shows people's participation in events in the same years.

    Overall, theatre and music had a maximum amount of contribution to people's attendance. The government's expenditure on theatre and literature rose over the decade. In contrast, spending on music and visual arts slightly decreased in 2005.

    Music and visual arts had a downward trend by 2005 concerning the expenditure. However, the number of people attending music events increased by approximately 30 million in 2005. It's not the same scenario with visual arts, as it decreased by almost 10,000.

    The government's contribution to the theatre had dramatically doubled over the decade, which was then similar to music. People who participated in the theatre were approximately 80,000 and 90,000 respectively in 1995 and 2005. Literature had a slight growth in the share of government expenditure and people's participation in the same years.

  40. @julietteru2259 says

    please could someone tell me the opposite of dropped

  41. @Deepzzgowda says

    put more questions on writing task 🙂

  42. @phongaotan1620 says

    I feel this task is too hard

  43. @soundharyaravi7564 says

    Background music is so annoying …. I’m unsubscribing

  44. @sisytamala7923 says

    i always found writing is challenging. since i don't know to write essay

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